#fusionCAMchallenge 2.0 Winner on Instagram!

curtis.chan October 3, 2016

7 min read

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autodesk-university-2016-logo-2-line-color-blackFor 10 Days, starting the Monday after IMTS (September 19th) we ran another Fusion 360 CAM contest on Instagram.  So why a medallion you might ask?  In the spirit of the Olympic season, we decided to provide contestants with a Fusion 360 medallion, and showcase their creative machining skills; or if they choose, design and manufacture their own Fusion 360 medallion.  Well, the reward offered the winner admission and hotel expenses to Autodesk University 2016 (Nov. 15th-17th), and we thought to ourselves, why not send the #fusioncamchallenge winner to AU2016, and have them award the ‘best machinist’ out of NYC CNC’s AU Class with the medallion!


45 participants later, posting a variety of over 158 photos/videos of multiple iterations on the Fusion 360 medallion either machined, CNC routed, or dancing on a 5-axis table, all contestants demonstrated their mastery of the manufacturing process, knowledge of HSM products, and artistic flair.


The first couple of days were quite quiet on Instagram, (maybe because people were recovering from IMTS); but that wasn’t the case after seeing the caliber of entries trickling in.  Everyone wanted that Grand Prize trip to AU2016, and didn’t want to settle for second place.  I have to say, we have some awesome consolation prizes with 3D Connexion Wireless Spacemouse Pro’s, Fusion 360 shop banners, and swag boxes.


To all the contestants, THANK YOU for participating in another #fusioncamchallenge, and as a community, we showed the power of our HSM Products!  We do what we do because we love seeing what you do with it.


“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” — Steve Jobs


If you didn’t follow the contest, you can see all of the results here:  #fusioncamchallenge #fusionnotatoy




I was honestly going to roll the dice on who to pick for the winner (there were so many great entries), and then Backhand Bikes trump me with this ‘@SSCADCAM style’ production video.  Amish might have to pass the baton over to Jeff this round on a production video, but way to deliver a Hollywood movie trailer on the 11th hour Jeff!  This was definitely stunning, and you made it even a harder decision, but the Oscar ended up going to someone else…


Nice work sir!


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You think Ken @ zodiaceng from our first contest took machining to a whole new level?  (Ken is awesome BTW).  Well, Kemal @ kalpay & Brian @ bmp1785 teamed up and presented to us a 24K gold plated Fusion 360 medallion!  Word.


There were a lot of awesome entries, but Kemal and Brian brought the true Olympic gold to the table.  Kemal (Brian’s Boss), let Brian run with it, he did an awesome job!  Talk about great team work between the two.  Call security, because when we hand this over to it’s new owner, they’ll definitely need it.







The last challenge, all the AE’s unanimously agreed that Rob Lockwood took his rightful place as King of HSM, but what do you do when you get an entry that shows a machining twirling like a ballerina?  Well, you crown him the Prince of HSM I guess.  Nice work @ laurenswijnschenk, and thanks for going the extra mile and machining the ‘gold, silver and bronze’ medallions!


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Ever seen a piece of fine art and just become mesmerized by the design?  Well, @Evynn was at it again, and created another masterpiece!  Pablo Picasso is probably rolling over in his grave.  Talk about a perfect example showcasing the ‘project’ toolpath strategy within Fusion 360.  If you didn’t see @Evynn’s first #fusioncamchallenge, check it out HERE.






I expected nothing less from Mr. Expert Elite, Seth Madore @liberty_machine, by putting together the ultimate Fusion 360 desk trophy – 5 components, 3 materials and 16 screws later, we have another masterpiece from him.


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The day my daughters nightlight went out, @averworks posts this beautiful replacement!  An aluminum body with an acrylic insert LED backlit, all machined on a CNC converted Harbor Freight Mini Mill with an Arduino controller.


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I got a lot of direct messages on Instagram saying that people were pressed for time due to their day to day machining jobs, and couldn’t make the time for this #fusioncamchallenge.  Totally understand, and NYC CNC was one of those guys; but I was happy to hear he was still able to throw in his 10 cents.  Literally!


Check out his Fusion Friday Video around it.


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Call this fossil looking, or just plain historic, but our friends across the pond (actually the Pacific Ocean in relation to where I’m at) @reckless_gav delivered a beautiful imprint of a fern.


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(Key THIS music as you watch each video)


When you have access to a Datron NEO, why not make a spinner Fusion 360 Medallion! All @causeimcnc needs is a matching chain.


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Also, we can’t forget about excel machine @ xcel_machine, who gave @causeimcnc a run for his money.


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Chocolate Fever    

With the holidays around the corner, talk about a creative gift for the Autodesk team! (hint, hint @morganoliff:-)) Glad to see the chocolate didn’t melt as you were machining it.


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The Christmas Ornament 

Once I saw self taught machinist @ E_schnei dangle his masterpiece, it reminded me of an ordainment twertling on a Christmas Tree.




The Fast and the Furious 

Expect to see @Proteumach entry in the next Fast and Furious Movie as an oil cap under the hood of an Acura Integra.  The first thing that came to mind when seeing this billet aluminum piece, was how much it resembled the oil cap I had under the hood of my Integra back in high school (Minus the ‘F’).  It was all about that attention to detail under the hood.


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Johnny 5

If you were a product of the 80’s, you know who Johnny 5 is.  (If not, click HERE)

Glad to see he threw in his 10 cents. @ tonyclouser


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Honorable Mentions

There were so many excellent submissions, we wish we could have highlighted them all! Feel free to take a glimpse below of other fabulous entries, and to view all of the submissions – check our the Instagram hash tag #FusionCAMchallenge


One thing is clear, expect to see another one of these contests in the future, and if you have any ideas around the next one, feel free to share in the comments below!


Next time, we’ll have to count Autodesk employees in the competition!



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