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Compare AutoCAD LT vs. AutoCAD LT for Mac

Compare the features of AutoCAD LT and AutoCAD LT for Mac and learn about the differences between AutoCAD LT for Windows and Mac platforms.

  • Create 2D drawings faster and with more precision. Enjoy improved workflows across desktop, web and mobile.

    Use for:

    2D drafting, drawings and documentation

    What it does:

    • Create and edit 2D geometry.
    • Annotate drawings with text, dimensions, leaders and tables.
    • Customise the ribbon and tool palettes.
    • Attach and import data from PDF files. 
    • Share and use data from DGN files and Bing Maps.



    - /year (Excludes GST)

  • Create precise 2D drawings quickly with a Mac interface.

    Use for:

    2D drafting, drawings and documentation

    What it does:

    • Create and edit 2D geometry.
    • Annotate drawings with text, dimensions, leaders and tables.
    • Attach and import data from PDF files.
    • Customise the ribbon and tool palettes.

    Specialised Mac features include:

    • Coverflow navigation.
    • Multitouch gestures.
    • Multiview split screen.
    • Touch bar support



    - /year (Excludes GST)

AutoCAD LT free trial
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AutoCAD LT free trial


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AutoCAD LT free trial

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    See system requirements

    TRIAL FILE SIZE (estimated maximum)

    4 GB


    10 Mbps Internet connection. Turn off all active applications, including virus checking software


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    AutoCAD LT free trial

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    AutoCAD LT free trial

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    AutoCAD LT free trial

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      AutoCAD LT free trial

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