Valve gates are widely used in the plastics molding industry to enhance product quality by eliminating weld lines, reducing flow length, improving packing, and so on. However, the usage of conventional valve gates also brings challenges (including sudden changes in flow front speed and pressure shocks in hot runner systems, among others) that might adversely affect part quality. This class will introduce a new type of valve gate control technologyvelocity-controlled valve gateand we will highlight its benefits. The class will also showcase the newly developed capability in Simulation Moldflow Insight software of simulating the velocity-controlled valve gates.
Key Learnings
- Understand the application of conventional valve gates and the benefits and challenges
- Discover the application and benefits of new technology through velocity-controlled valve gates
- Learn how to simulate valve gates in Simulation Moldflow Insight software and interpret results
- Discover the new capability of Simulator Moldflow Insight software, including how to set up and simulate velocity-controlled valve gates
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