Key Learnings
- Find out how you can effectively use AutoCAD Civil 3D software custom subassemblies to create railroad corridors
- Receive practical experience on creating corridors for railways consisting of 2, 3, or more tracks
- Gain practical guidance on organizing big railroad projects and discover the advantages of Vault software over Data Shortcuts
- Find out how AutoCAD Civil 3D software and Vault software better ensure smooth cooperation between a BIM expert and a manager who has no specific knowledge
- DSDarius SimkunasDarius Simkunas is the BIM & Application strategist - collaboration platforms at Tyréns AB. He is responsible for the strategy, development, and adaptation of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and engineering software. Darius has over 15 years of experience with Autodesk, Inc., products, consulting and instructing the company's employees. He was an Autodesk University speaker in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. He has been working with AutoCAD Civil 3D software since 2005 and has a portfolio of functionalities for specific regional and company needs. He is an AutoCAD Civil 3D Certified Professional, he has been an Autodesk Developer Network (ADN) member since 2008, and he has been working on infrastructure projects using new technology and methodology. Since 2012 he has been responsible for the implementation of Vault software. As the project manager he directly participates in the stages of implementation, strategic and technical issues resolution, and product functionality enhancement according to the company's needs.
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