Key Learnings
- Discover how Advanced Work Packaging has been deployed on a real industrial project
- Learn how to link data from different sources to the 3D model to manage the overall AWP process
- Learn how to use BIM 360 and Forge to implement AWP methodology on industrial projects
- Learn how to quantify costs and discover the benefits of implementing Advanced Work Packaging
- MMMarco MellacquaMarco is a Plant Information Management Coordinator at Maire Tecnimont a worldwide general contractor with a specific focus on the oil & gas, petrochemicals and fertilizer processing industries. In the last years he has been strongly involved in the Company digital transformation process. Actually he is collaborating in several digital initiatives that aim to integrate digital technologies into Engineering and Construction business areas in order to make processes more efficient and effective and consequently to deliver more value to Clients. On the executive projects instead, he is taking care of the information management plan and its deployment ensuring the correct use of tools and methodologies and collecting feedbacks to implement in the above mentioned digital initiatives.
- Antonio SchiavoneMechanical Engineer Degree, with over 20 years of experience in the Oil & Gas industry, he has gained extensive experience, initially at the Project Control department as Project Control Manager, seconded to the Mega and Jumbo Project around the world and then engaged as a member of Construction Department with the position of Senior Construction Engineer. Today in Tecnimont he is appointed as Advance Work Package (AWP) Group Leader managing AWP development with associated methodologies and tools, resources and implementation of the Advance Work Package (AWP) for all EPC projects.
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