Key Learnings
- Learn how to work effectively with large assemblies.
- Discover best practices for large assemblies.
- Learn how to minimize the impact of large assemblies on your workstation and server.
- Discuss ways to lighten the file size.
- James O'FlahertyJim O’Flaherty is an applications expert for the manufacturing solutions division of IMAGINiT Technologies, and he has been working out of their Denver office since July 2014. Jim has more than 35 years in the mechanical design field covering industries of automotive, power generation, industrial, consumer goods, avionics, and hazardous waste removal. Jim has been certified on Inventor software since Release 3 and he was one of the early adapters of Vault software’s Workgroup. He was awarded Autodesk, Inc.'s, Expert Elite status in 2014, and he is an Autodesk Inventor 2014 Certified Professional and an Autodesk Certified Instructor.
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