Key Learnings
- Learn how infrastructure construction impacts the climate, and how it can be more climate efficient.
- Learn how to use EC3 and Civil 3D to report and reduce the climate impact of an infrastructure project.
- Learn about building climate impact measures into materials procurement for an infrastructure project.
- Learn about engaging with suppliers to reduce climate impacts and document improvements for stakeholders.
- PNPhil NorthcottPhil Northcott is the CEO of C-Change Labs, co-founder of, and co-creator of EC3. He is a veteran leader of advanced R&D projects, and leads a team of dedicated software engineers bringing the best of information technology to the fight against climate change, with a core focus on carbon-intensive construction materials. Phil's has extensive experience in Computer-aided design, optimization, manufacturing, and quality. As CEO of C-Change, he leads the development of the EC3 service, its integrations with the Autodesk ecosystem, and its implementation as a free tool and as the in-house tool of choice for major multinationals.
- TBTim BurnhamWith almost 20 years at Autodesk serving both product groups as a developer and customers as a consultant, Tim brings both AEC and technology together to solve customer problems by delivering solutions that bridge customer needs with existing Autodesk technology.
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