Key Learnings
- Get to know best practices of using connected design to speed up the design review sessions
- Understand how connected design evolves in a coming release
- Get a peak at the vision, and speak up to help correct the direction if it deviates
- Contribute to shaping the future of Connected Inventor
- GCGeorge CaoGeorge Cao is a principal experience designer in an Inventor Team based in Autodesk China Research and Development (ACRD) Shanghai. Cao has been with Autodesk, Inc., for 2 years, where he started with designing the user experience (UX) of the new Inventor software modeling features, and then turned to focus on the entire Inventor user interface (UI) modernization and connected Inventor software through plugging into A360 cloud-based products and service for concurrent engineering. Before Autodesk, Cao worked at Sony Mobile for 3 years as the UX lead designer. He led the design for 4 native apps that are built into Sony Xperia Z series smartphones worldwide: Telephony, Phonebook, Messaging, and Backup & Restore. Cao spent a year in Honeywell working on Smart Home iOS app and energy consumption dashboard web covering both interaction and visual design. He spent 2 years in Samsung Mobile, which was his first job, working on localized features in smartphone native apps as interaction design mostly, with some visual design. Basically, Cao is capitalizing on the design knowledge accumulated from consumer products to accelerate Inventor software UX, embracing the future of making things.
- Loren WelchLoren Welch is a Senior Product Manager on the Inventor product line at Autodesk. Loren has diversified experience in multiple CAD/CAM/CAE/PDM software applications and rapid prototyping solutions. Loren has been at Autodesk since 2008 and has had roles including technical account manager, business development, technical sales manager, and product manager. Loren has been a speaker at multiple Autodesk University conferences, as well as many other industry events.
- CSChristian SmithI am a senior software development manager with Autodesk, Inc. My work focuses on areas within Autodesk Inventor and Publisher software, including the cloud connected workflows.