This class covers the basics of the SketchBook Pro painting and drawing software for desktop computers. You will learn how to create painterly effects that mimic real mediums and textures, and we will teach these techniques through the lens of character creation and creature design.
Key Learnings
- Learn how to use basic features in SketchBook Pro software for desktop computers
- Learn how to customize SketchBook Pro software brushes for maximum texture
- Learn how to use blending layers to accentuate painting techniques
- Learn how to apply these techniques to characters and creature designs
- RBRenee BusseAn experienced traditional and digital artist, Renee is a polymath of art. She likes to span a wide range of mediums from watercoloring, digital painting, 3D sculpting, to photography and video editing.Her art style ranges from comical to fantasy, falling somewhere between cute and creepy. Renee has been using digital programs for art for over ten years, and prefers working in SketchBook Pro on the desktop.
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