Key Learnings
- Articulate the value technology can deliver on capital projects
- understanding of business outcomes for owners
- the role asset data plays in delivering against business outcomes
- discuss challenges managing data during capital project delivery
- Ian McGregorIan McGregor is a Senior Manager in Consulting Services Autodesk, Inc. He is focused on managing a team of consultants who assist customers deliver BIM transformation within the AEC industry. He has extensive experience managing requirements for large and complex projects, and delivering across multiple engineering standards and languages. He also provides consultancy on BIM process definition and standardization for transportation, airports, and water industries.
- Ricardo Bittini MiretRicardo is a civil and structural engineer by background, with many years of experience in large infrastructure schemes. Ricardo is a Fellow of the Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE) and has held various roles in construction, design, and innovation management. With a strong understanding of the whole-life approach to infrastructure, he has been involved in numerous projects that have helped to shape the built environment. He is known for an open minded and innovative approach, including innovation engagements, design thinking and business models approaches. He is committed to create a better built environment, and strives to change the perception of infrastructure in society.
- KAKaren AlfordAsset owner data and information focus Implementing ISO19650 for framework agreement within an asset management business alongside ISO55000 Establishing and improving data classification and management
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