Key Learnings
- Explain the basics of Revit worksharing techniques and terminology, especially features that affect add-in development
- Design a Revit add-in to work well in a workshared environment
- Determine the right way to open, read, and/or modify a workshared document for your purposes
- Describe how to deal with both file-based worksharing and server-based worksharing from your add-in
- SCScott ConoverScott is a Software Development Manager in the Revit® development team, focused on API and Interoperability. Since joining Autodesk in 2007, he has led a team working on the design, implementation and testing of the rapid expansion of the Revit® API.Scott has 15 years of experience producing Application Programming Interfaces for parametric 3D modeling systems in a variety of languages and styles. His primary focus has been to enable customers to automate repetitive tasks, extend the application user interface, and transfer data between the application and different data formats. Scott holds a Master of Computer Systems Engineering degree from Northeastern University with a concentration on CAD/CAM/CAE.
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