Systra is known worldwide for its expertise in rail engineering, from light and mass transit rail to high-speed rail. This class will describe the evolution of Systra in terms of Building Information Modeling (BIM) adoption and internal organization over the last 3 years. We will take you through Systra’s BIM-adoption process and describe the different phases of the transformation: realize the need, define the vision and road map, and execute it. We will focus on the BIM vision and strategy definition (business value alignment—BVA), which has been a key action in order to structure BIM deployment. Last but not least, you will hear how Systra’s partnership with Autodesk, Inc., has matured during the process, and how Autodesk Services helped us accelerate the process with their expertise. AIA Approved
Key Learnings
- Get quicker internal buy-in and alignment on a corporate BIM transformation plan
- Learn how to define and drive a BIM transformation project on a corporate level
- Learn how to capitalize on internal competences and work with strategic partners
- Learn how to measure the BIM maturity
- Eric PRUVOSTEric Pruvost is leading the development of SYSTRA digital engineering solutions & services. His responsabilities encompass BIM & Information Management expertise deployment and Digital Engineering R&D activities for the group. In particular he is in charge of developping data management expertises to develop BIM digital solutions and pave way towards Digital Twin services implementation. To perform his work, he takes advantage of his wide railway infrastructure engineering experiences gained during the last 25 years at SYSTRA. He first worked in the bridge department for 12 years, starting as a railway bridge engineer. He specialized in large, elevated-railway infrastructure design projects requiring mass production in CAD. After this period, he took the lead of a Multidisciplinary Technical department, managing the development of the stations design (structure, architecture, and MEP) and the linear infrastructure track design.
- SMShakeel MirzaShakeel Mirza is a Customer Success Manager at Autodesk. He helps Autodesk's strategic customers in France in their business transformation by defining a strategic road map and assisting them to execute on it.
- SCSylvie CassanSylvie CASSAN is currently in charge of developing and deploying BIM for SYSTRA France. In her role she is transforming the working methods of the 1100 employees of the directorate. Previously she spent two years developing business and managing the bids process to provide consultancy services to the Grand Paris Express company. She was trained as a city planner and received an EMBA from the bussiness school HEC Paris. She has significant experience of consulting for urban stakeholders about city planning, architecture and transport issues, particularly needs analysis and change management. Last year, she had a class at AU about the BIM deployment experience on the Grand Paris metro project, which is the largest European railway infrastructure project.
- Louis-Marie BORIONEAs Building Information Modeling (BIM) Development Program Manager for SYSTRA in France, Louis-Marie Borione is in charge of creating new digital tools and services to extend BIM data usage for different engineering process. He has 15 years of experience in change management, procedures and standards definitions, BIM model production, BIM innovation and custom developments.