Key Learnings
- Take a look at “Share and Design View” inside AutoCAD, and Learn how to best use it for simple sharing
- Take a look at A360 free online cloud viewer and learn how to take full advantage of this awesome well-kept secret
- Take a look at A360 Drive and what the difference is between the free online viewer and A360 Drive
- Take a look at the Autodesk Team products, including BIM 360 Team and Fusion Team, and discover why you would want to choose these over the free viewer and A360 Drive
- Bud SchroederBud Schroeder is the AutoCAD Customer Council Alpha/Beta Programs Administrator for Autodesk, Inc., and he’s been at Autodesk since 1997. Before joining Autodesk, Bud was a CAD/IT manager for a power utility in Northern California. Bud started out on drafting boards and then moved to AutoCAD software with version 2.6. Some of the features that Bud has worked on at Autodesk include Install, Network Deployment Wizard, Migration, Customization, and A360 Desktop Sync. Been a speaker at Autodesk University for many years. Join the AutoCAD Customer Council and help influence future versions of AutoCAD AutoCAD AutoCAD Toolsets AutoCAD web AutoCAD Mobile