Key Learnings
- Discover what types of sensors are in the marketplace today
- Learn what components make a laser scanner
- Learn best practices for estimating scan projects and what goes into the field work
- Learn about software packages and workflows
- JBJulien BartoloJulien Bartolo is senior virtual construction coordination manager for DAVIS. He is well-versed in the latest BIM technology and its practical applications in construction planning and coordination. Julien is responsible for the execution of multiple projects and supports the operations teams in the coordination and installation of work, including streamlining information, anticipating site coordination issues and determining project phasing using the latest BIM software and methodologies. He focuses on providing projects with the tools to build efficiently and without risk.
- MHMichael HarveyMichael has over 17 years of experience in the laser scanning field.As Product Manager for LeicaGeosystems, Michael has created comprehensive training materials for the HDS laser scanning business, rolled out product launches for the NAFTA region, conducted numerous sales and dealer training events, researched and developed new workflows for the numerous markets that laser scanning serves, written numerous technical eZines, promoted the technology from a sales and support point of view, and guided the development of both the HDS hardware and software. But the most meaningful part of Michael s work has been in helping individuals and teams learn the strategies and techniques that enable them to apply laser scanning in ways that lead to increased business success.