You are a proficient user of Inventor software who's looking for ways to make yourself and your colleagues more productive, efficient, and accurate. You've written simple iLogic rules, and now you're ready to go deeper. In this class, you'll learn how to create larger, more sophisticated rules that let you automate entire workflows and models. You'll see how to use iLogic features such as multiple procedures and functions, shared variables, try/catch, and more. You'll understand how to organize the use of multiple rules, and when you need to "update." You'll learn how to make your rules less prone to error. You'll see how to trap and debug errors. You'll learn how to seamlessly integrate the Inventor API and Microsoft VB.NET into your iLogic rules to go beyond the built-in capabilities. Finally, you'll see working examples that show how these techniques can make you dramatically more productive. There will also be some time allocated to reviewing new iLogic capabilities.
Key Learnings
- Write iLogic rules with multiple procedures and functions, and/or other advanced capabilities
- Discover the difference between internal and external iLogic rules
- Learn how to invoke the Inventor API from iLogic rules
- Learn how to find errors in rules, and discover techniques to help minimize errors