Key Learnings
- Describe the different solutions that point clouds can bring to projects
- Explain the importance of integrating the BIM model and the point cloud
- Show how laser scanner technology is a great tool for decision making
- Use the power of 3D visualization for a better understanding between stakeholders
- MCMario Baez CamargoMario Báez Camargo, received his Bachelor's degree in Architecture in 1997 at UAM, Mexico City. After graduation, Mario opened his own architectural firm, where technology, architecture and construction management became his main interests. Since 2011, he joined ICA (Mexico's leading construction and infrastructure company ) as a BIM project manager. Due to the size and variety of projects , his collaborations include projects such as, dams, subway systems, hospitals, highways, bridges, water waste treatment plants, and housing buildings among others. In 2012 he was certified as a PMP.
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