Key Learnings
- Discover the new interface between Simulation Composite Analysis software and Simulation Moldflow software
- Understand the nonlinear material behaviors supported by Simulation Composite Analysis software
- Understand how to use Simulation Composite Analysis software for fiber-filled materials
- Learn how to confidently interpret results from Simulation Composite Analysis software and fiber-filled materials
- DKDoug KenikDoug Kenik is a Product Manager for generative design strategies within Autodesk, Inc. He holds both an MS and a BS in mechanical engineering from the University of Wyoming, where he spent his graduate career developing high-fidelity micromechanics models for composite material simulation. Prior to working at Autodesk, Doug was a developer and application engineer at Firehole Composites, where he helped implement new technologies for composite simulation and define next-generation enhancements for use within existing products.
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