Key Learnings
- Learn how to apply a rubric for deciding what equipment or software you need to begin reality capture or additive manufacturing
- Learn how to use provided training aids for deciding on the best 3D-printing approach
- Understand ReCap strengths, threats, and opportunities
- Become more familiar with real-world Fusion 360 case studies
- PSPatrick SuermannDr. Patrick C. Suermann, PE, LEED AP, Lt Col, USAF, ret., is the Department Head of the largest Construction Science program in the nation at Texas A&M University. After retiring from the Air Force as the first ever Chief of Emergency Services & Engineering at the newly formed Headquarters Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center (AFIMSC), Suermann’s last teaching position as Associate Professor of Civil and Env. Engineering at the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA) set him up for unique and far reaching partnerships inside academia and the federal government. He has experience in deployed and international construction, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Fire & Emergency Services, and Emergency Management. He was the 2016 AFIMSC STEM Outreach Award nominee to the Air Force Chief Scientist. Suermann is a leader in the BIM field as a listed author on all three NBIMS versions. Now, join him as he and the Aggie Space Alliance take America back to the moon – this time, to stay.