Key Learnings
- Discover the new network subscription offering from Autodesk
- Get an early look at the next-generation network license self-service portal
- Learn how to use network subscription licenses alongside your existing perpetual licenses
- Learn how to manage updates to your network subscription and perpetual license files
- JMJerry MilanaJerry Milana is a senior consultant for Autodesk Consulting, specializing in enterprise licensing and installation. Jerry has held positions at Autodesk in product support, Autodesk Consulting, and product management, as well as operating as an independent consultant offering enterprise software asset management services. This is Jerry’s 16th Autodesk University as a speaker. Prior to joining Autodesk, Jerry worked for an AutoCAD software dealer, where he was in charge of AutoCAD sales, services, support, and system integration services. Jerry served as president of an AutoCAD Users Group and participated on CAD advisory councils for local colleges. Jerry has accepted numerous invitations to lecture on network licensing and software distribution topics.
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