Key Learnings
- Learn best practices to start a Rebar project in Revit
- Generate parametric rebar cages for RC members and edit Rebar objects
- Speed up rebar drawings generation and customization with dedicated detailing tools.
- Learn best practices used by DBA Group, Italian engineering company experimented with rebar in Revit
- Stevens ChemiseProduct Line Manager at Graitec Innovation , part of the Graitec Product Management Team Structural Engineer, I have joined Graitec Group in 2014. I work to accelerate digital transformation by identifying industry needs, recommend solution and help to software product specification. 15 Years experience in several BIM Software companies Main technical expertise on Revit, Navisworks, BIM 360 for Architects or structural engineer, workflow between Autodesk products and Graitec design software.
STEVENS CHEMISE: Hi, everyone. Welcome at this Autodesk University Session 2021 class. And many thanks for joining us at this session wherever you are in the world.
And by the way, do not hesitate to tell us where you are from in the chat, for example. So I'm very pleased to run this class with some Revit [INAUDIBLE] experts that I will introduce in a couple of seconds. And we are happy to share our experience in Rebar with Revit on how to speed up reinforcement detailings with our [INAUDIBLE].
Just a little bit of myself. I've been working for Graitec now since a little bit more than six years. So I have a structural engineering background. And I'm part of the project management teams where we are working on all development running top of Autodesk platform end solution.
And I am pleased to run this class with one other of my colleagues, Daniel. I'll let you say a word about you.
DANIEL GHEORGHE: Hello, everyone. Thank you also for attending this class. My name is Daniel. And I'm part of Graitec Romania. I'm a structural engineer, and also an Autodesk Revit trainer. And I will show you some tips and tricks in Revit regarding Rebar detailing.
STEVENS CHEMISE: Thanks, Daniel. And especially for this class we have the pleasure to have a special guest, one of our clients coming from Italy. Simone Di Biase will share his practice on real projects. Simone, I'll let you introduce you [INAUDIBLE].
SIMONE DI BIASE: Hi, hello, everybody. I just want to thank Autodesk and Graitec to let us to share our BIM experience and structural project. I'm an architect BIM manager at DBA Grow, [INAUDIBLE] DPI Group company, and part of the BIM team at the BIM innovation team. I'm experienced of 15 years in telecommunication, energy, and data center BIM design. Thank you.
STEVENS CHEMISE: Thanks. Thanks, Simone. So one word about Graitec for those of you who do not know our company. So we are a worldwide software company with nearly 50 offices in the world, so North America region and in Europe, specialized in structural software. But we are proposing as well BIM services consultancy, and we are developing software solutions from BIM model creation to BIM model analysis thanks to our design software we are developing.
We are managing the fabrication as well for steel components and rebar with tools [INAUDIBLE] solution. And we are going to the management of the project, the work in progress environment, and the publication to [INAUDIBLE] Autodesk BIM platform, for example.
So today we are here specifically to talk about rebar and how to manage rebar project in Revit. Rebar in BIM is probably one of the next challenges in our industry. So all people interested in how to create BIM model and creating rebar in Revit, how we manage those models, and manage the data could follow this class from rebar detailer, rebar draftsmen, to BIM modeler, or structural engineer.
So how this class will go on, we will start with Daniel, who will show some tips and tricks on rebar in Revit and how to speed up rebar modeling with our dedicated tools we develop in Graitec. So our PowerPack. And we will conclude this session with our guest, Simone from DBA Group, so an Italian company. We will present [INAUDIBLE] a very interesting and amazing project with Revit, and our PowerPack.
So why we in Graitec we believe in 3D reinforcements? Because since here we saw it as a significant added value for users and for many reasons. The consistency of the information, of [INAUDIBLE] the standardization of the quality of the drawing for a large organization using templates and standouts, having also the possibility to go to a design driven approach to generic rebar with a link to design software, so clash detection for fabrication, automatic builds of materials that we can generate through our software and link to a fabrication, all those are possible thanks to 3D reinforcement.
The reason why we developed a specific application running on top of Revit, which is our PowerPack-- it's a large set of tools, more than 40 tools, purely focused on rebar detailings. And it's totally integrated in Revit. And we will see the measure command we have in action.
We have plenty of wizards to quickly speed up the 3D rebar [INAUDIBLE] generations and manage as well the customization and fine tuning reinforcement drawing. So as this class will be around between 30 and 40 minutes, we will have time at the end of this class to manage some questions. But please, if you have some questions, you can place them in live, and we will try to manage them as they arrive in the chat area.
So it's time to see those [INAUDIBLE] live. I leave the mic to Daniel, who will show in live the application of the PowerPack. Thanks.
DANIEL GHEORGHE: OK, thank you very much, Stevens. I will go on and present the main tools of our PowerPack, not before showing you some tips and tricks regarding rebar detailing in Revit.
So the first tip that I want to tell you about might sound a little bit redundant. But the first tip is upgrade your Revit to the 2022 version. Because plenty of upgrades have been implemented for rebar detailing.
And let me show you a little bit what I'm talking about. In the Revit 2022 you are able to define Rebar using two points, which is a very important implementation. Because as you may know, interior stirrups and also rebar sets were usually a little bit hard to do.
So now you have all the tools you need to speed up your whole process. OK? So as you can see, I was able to easily generate some stirrups. I can drag them around. And also, besides the two point placement, you are now able to move individual rebars from a rebar set in any position without losing the rebar set.
Another implementation, very important. And not only move them, but you are also able to remove a rebar from a rebar set without losing the link between them. So upgrade. As soon as possible, upgrade to the Revit 2022 version.
Now, further tips and tricks I would like to show you for Revit Detailer should be get the advantage of using Revit View Template. I usually use my view templates for rebar detailing, specifically for each element category. So I have the templates for columns, for BIMs, for walls, footings, and so on.
They will help me also when I will show you further in my presentation the rebar drawing generator. OK, so be sure to use the view templates. And also take advantage of the possibility to have them by element category.
Now, also what I would like to show you is take advantage also of the possibility to personalize your rebar shapes. Now, most of my students when I'm teaching Revit are using the default rebar shapes. And while this is not the wrong thing to do, you can speed up the modeling process by tweaking a little bit of the rebar sheets.
Now, what I'm talking about usually for horizontal bars in a wall, the first thing you would like to do is place a straight bar with hooks, or a 21 bar with three segments. Now, what I like to do in my project is to save another rebar shape family with the stirrup [INAUDIBLE] style even if this rebar shape is still a straight bar with hooks.
Now, why does this help me? Well, this will help me modeling the bars, because if I would use standard bars for both of these bars, I will have a little bit of hard time to place them correctly. So it will help me also in the modeling part, because I can place the stirrup. OK, the horizontal bars and then the vertical bars, the standard bars will automatically will be placed near the stirrup bar. And also, this will help me further when I will generate the wall drawings.
OK, so a small part regarding my tips and tricks in Revit. Now, I would like to show you what we are doing here at Graitec and what our PowerPack for Revit is capable of.
Now, we are developing a lot of tools. Most of them are dedicated to the structural engineer, and generating, managing, and also detailing the rebar. So we also have a lot of tools dedicated to architects or [INAUDIBLE] engineers which I will not present during this demo.
But what I would like to show you is that we are able to create also using some efforts coming from different structural analysis softwares, we are able to generate rebar cages automatically. So let me show you how we can generate a column rebar cage just as a simple example.
Now, we are able to generate the columns rebar cages, so rebar cages for columns, for BIMs, for walls, for footings. And also, they are fully customizable. So you can change basically anything about them.
The stirrup layout, the diameters, the hooks, if you want hooks or not. You can change them basically at any point. And also, they are fully in link with the report, with the design report that you can generate after you customized your rebar cage.
So we are able to generate rebar cages. And we have an entire Revit tab dedicated to this. But also we have an entire Revit tab dedicated to managing and also detail rebars in Revit.
So let me show you just a little example, a typical case where you have two columns. And, of course, you need to split the rebars at the top of the first column.
Now, what you should by default do, you should basically change each rebar setting in this column. We sped up the process a little bit. And we developed a crank tool that will automatically crank the rebars in order to avoid some collisions.
So let me show you. OK, so all the rebars have been automatically cranked. And now I have no collisions between my rebars. Very, very fast.
OK. Also, we are able to split rebars when you have openings in the floor. So let me show you a little bit just to find that opening.
OK, so an opening should be-- oh, OK, I'm going to have to have-- the opening's no problem. Very quickly I will model an opening.
OK, so in this case, typically I should start and drag the rebar sets around. But using PowerPack I'm able to automatically split the rebars around in the opening.
OK, great. And not only that I am able to automatically split the rebars around the opening. But I am also able to generate an opening rebar cage also from a parametrical point of view.
OK, everything looks just fine. Yeah, I have a 3D rebar cage in a matter of seconds. OK, also, we are able to place bending details. There are some symbols that some countries are using for detailing the rebars, something like this.
OK, or automatically also. We are able to generate reinforcement schedules. We are managing the layers. We basically have a tool in order to speed up any rebar process.
Now, of course, when you are done modeling rebars, you need to start to detail them. So for the last version of the PowerPack we developed a new drawings generator. So let me show you how that works.
Now, of course I have some settings done in the back. But basically what I like to show is that we are able to generate automatically some rebar drawings, and also the drawings are placed on a sheet. And also, the sheet is containing the rebar schedule.
So not only that we are speeding up the process of generating rebar. We're modeling the rebars. But we are also speeding up the process of generating the drawings. Now, let me show you how that looks like.
OK, so here I have a node detail for that wall. OK, each node detail and also the plan view of the wall. Now, of course, everything is customizable. You can generate the drawings without these bending details. But basically, I think you got the point. In a matter of seconds, you can generate some drawings.
Let me show you how a BIM looks like. So here I have a full BIM. OK, I can select it. We have some alignment algorithms that are verifying if all the BIMs are aligned. And it will treat them as a group. So I will have a full BIM elevation with each bending detail and sections that I want.
OK, takes a little bit of time, because I have a rather long BIM with multiple rebar sets. And each of them need to be annotated using these multi-rebar annotation, and also bending details. What I'd like to say about this joint generator is that it was fully designed to be linked with the user's Revit template. So it will use your view templates, your multi-rebar annotation tags, so title blocks, rebar schedules. Basically, it will fit on your template as a glove.
So let me show you how it looks. And so I got the BIM elevation automatically, the bending details at the bottom. Then, again, as I said, you can not generate them if these [? bendings ?] are not used in your country. And also, I have each section to the [INAUDIBLE]. Sorry.
OK. And also, we developed a multi-rebar tag for a single bar, so for bars that were not distributed, and are not rebar sets. OK, then again, we are able to generate drawings for BIMs, for columns, for walls, for footings. And we plan to develop a tool also for detailing floors and slabs.
Great, this is what I wanted to show you. I would like to say thank you again, and I hope that the information that was presented here will be useful and will speed up your rebar detailing projects. Thank you again.
STEVENS CHEMISE: Thanks, Daniel.
SIMONE DI BIASE: Thank you, Daniel. Thank you, Stevens. And then I'll just talk about our BIM experience in extension of the electrical substation for a structural [INAUDIBLE] detailing project.
First of all, thank you again to Graitec and Autodesk to giving us the opportunity to share our BIM experience a d just a few words about our company. DBA Group is an independent holding specialized in architectural engineering project management services. And the [INAUDIBLE] solution focused on building and infrastructure, and mission critical facilities lifecycle management.
2020 services and products about 70 millions of euros. We have more than 400 active clients, and then more than 600 skilled professionals in the group. We operate in Italy and outside of Italy with each quarter in 15 and 14 [INAUDIBLE] and 11 abroad.
Our BIM team is composed by a BIM manager, coordinator, and specialist [INAUDIBLE] for architectural, structural, [INAUDIBLE] design. And in Italy we are involved in the development of Italian national BIM specification.
Here on the left, we can see our activity sector for BIM projects. As for [INAUDIBLE] corner media, buildings, or transport technologies, [INAUDIBLE] and so on. And today I'm going to show you our experience in the energy and the utilities sector, because we are just going to talk about the extension of a power plant-- in a [INAUDIBLE] power plant in Italy for structural detailing.
So just a few projects in information. The site is in the north of Italy, nearby the border between Italy and Austria. And this is the site. This has some main information of the projects.
So the project phase is detailing the design stage that is a rebar for project. The existing power plant area is about 6,000 square meters. And the extension project area is about 2,300 square meters.
Here on the site plan we can see on the left, which is the green color of the existing area, and on the red the extension for the installation of the three new electrical equipment. And this is the general master plan. So here on the left with the green area, we can see the electromechanical existing power plant. And on the right with the red color, the extension of the new area that will be assigned for the installation of the three new reactors.
So which are for this kind of project are the main targets from the client? First of all, there is the survey for terrain excavation project. And then to deliver the terrain containment structural design.
And then to have the structural and MEP distribution design for the installation of three new 220 kilowatts per reactor that are in this area. So we need to realize structural infrastructure for the installation of three new reactors.
Then the BIM target obviously [INAUDIBLE] 3D modeling for structural and MEP installation. Then the 2D drawings delivery for structural detailing, especially for structural detailing for the points we take off, and [INAUDIBLE] requirement.
And then as the last [INAUDIBLE] from the client, we need to, as a final output for the 5D, so the quantity [INAUDIBLE] and cost estimation project from the BIM models. And what about the BIM software implementation for this kind of structural project?
So as an input, we just started with the survey, with the total station instrument for the existing terrain. Then for B modeling, we use Autodesk Civil 3D for terrain modeling.
Autodesk Revit and Graitec Advanced PowerPack for structural and the [INAUDIBLE] for rebar modeling and rebar detailing. Then for steel modeling that is part of this project, we use advanced steel. And they are to manage project information in some specific rebar modeling, we used Dynamo with the design script.
Then for 3D detailing we use Revit for concrete elements. And then for total rebar detailing and sheet producing schedules management we use the Graitec Advanced PowerPack. [INAUDIBLE] for steel elements we use Autodesk Advanced Steel.
Finally, for just a final request from the client for quantity takeoff, we use Revit for preliminary quantity takeoff. And then for the final quantity takeoff and cost estimation document we use a software that is called the [INAUDIBLE] revision CPM that is FC compliant, and which we use the FC directly exported from the B models in Revit.
So let's start with the BIM workflow. From the survey, for the [INAUDIBLE] we just use a total extension instrument for the site survey that gives us as an output the text file with all the information about the survey points.
In this case, we import the TXT file with all the information in the Autodesk Civil 3D software that can help us to have the surface of the 3D terrain modeling for the existing terrain. So in this case, we can see here that this is the surface of the existing terrain.
And we can see on the left with the existing electrical power plant in green, and in red, the new reactor area. These two areas are in the different levels. So using [INAUDIBLE] the Civil 3D, we manage the terrain movement and the terrain excavation for a cost estimation document and the parameter.
Then we use the surface that have been transformed in a solid, and via IFC we just import the NFC two for three in Revit as the project base for the structural project for the new substation extension.
And these are the main models of the project. So for this project, specifically for this project, we have four separated models for each part. So we have structural perimeter walls, the reactor foundation that is the main core of the project, the terrain containment model, and the oil separator box for facility management of the reactors.
All these models have been joined into one single federated model that can help us to share the work in progress modeling with the client to have the final quantity takeoff, and then [INAUDIBLE] to have [? BIM ?] coordination for class detection and the [INAUDIBLE].
So let's start with the BIM workflow for structural modeling. For this kind of project, we need to produce a specific Revit family on our own. So in this case, we needed to have a parametric objects, parametric family for which we are to define geometrical parametrics data, to assign for each category, for each type of element, a specific [? property setup ?] sign for all our workflow.
In some cases we just link in the types information in Revit all the information about the, for example, data sheets and the documentation directly to the producer. For example, this is a [INAUDIBLE] for the consolidation that we have modeled as a Revit family. And on the right, we can see that this is a standard properties panel of Revit where we can see all the information and the parametric information as for [INAUDIBLE] and so on that we just inserted in this kind of family to help us modeling and detailing this kind of project.
This is instead another part of the project. This is the structural part for terrain containment that is realized with steel pipes and a structural reinforced concrete wall. In this case, we can see just starting talking about the rebar detailing. So in this case, we can see that this structural wall for terrain containment. We have a sign for this kind of element, all the rebar elements as we can see here on the right.
So in this case, we have all the rebar elements that have been assigned to the reinforced concrete top [INAUDIBLE]. In this case, we can see also the steel pipes element and the steel connection for this kind of project.
Let's talk about the top [? caps. ?] So in this case, we can see that for this kind of top [? caps, ?] we just used the rebar [INAUDIBLE] that we have personalized for our business. So in this case we can see that we have some types of information in Revit that can help us manage some information about the standard band diameter, the standard hook, and so on.
And then we have some specific [INAUDIBLE] information as for the rebar set and the information about each element of rebar, and each segment of the rebar [INAUDIBLE]. In Italy for this kind of project are really important, because we need to have the detailing of each rebar, especially for the construction phase. Because we need to develop all the rebar detailing, as we are going to show in the next slide.
So in this case, this kind of information, [INAUDIBLE] information are really important. And we just use the Graitec Advanced PowerPack to manage all this kind of information to have assured the information exchange for the construction phase.
With this workflow that is very important in this kind of structural project for our client, we just have a BIM design automation that in case of variation, the project [INAUDIBLE] changes we can automatically have sheets and drawings updated with this kind of detail. And this is one of the most important things, because our client comes back to us asking for changes and variations.
And this is an example of the structural model of the reactor. So in this case, this part of the project is realized with the structural foundation and structural fire resistant [INAUDIBLE] reinforced concrete.
As we can see here, for each element in transparency we have assigned the rebar element using the Graitec PowerPack plugin that can help us to manage all the rebar information in modeling. And this is the final output, or the total rebar of this part of the project.
And on the left we can see some information about the rebar. So for this part of the project we had rebar elements for the total amount of 3,000, a rebar weight of 6.5 roughly tons. And we use this kind of information, this kind of [INAUDIBLE] visualization with schedules and sheets to have the final rebar quantity takeoff for cost estimation. And this is one parts of the project.
This is a zoom in of the structural foundation for the reactors and the [INAUDIBLE] kind of element. For example, this is a section. But we can see that for each element, for each rebar element, we just have the parametric information as for the position, the diameters, the number of similar elements, the total lengths, and so on that we can [INAUDIBLE] for each rebar element.
Then managing and using the parameters data that we have for each rebar and nothing else with the Graitec Advanced PowerPack, we can automatically generate, as Daniels was saying before, these kind of details to insert in the sheet.
So it's most important, because in this kind of detail, we can see all the information about the position and so on, all of the information about the single element of the rebar, as for length, diameter, and so on.
This is the most important, because in this case, for the construction phase, the producer needs to have this kind on the information. And we can update this kind of detail automatically using the Graitec plugin.
So at the beginning of the project, or this structural project, we need to have this kind of information as for schedules. But we can read information about the bar length, shapes, bar volume, bar weight, and so on that we can manage and automatically update or change in case of variation, especially for the construction phases.
So in this case, we just find in the Graitec Advanced PowerPack the useful instrument to manage this kind of information sheet and project documentation that was appreciated by the client. [INAUDIBLE] this is another part of the project. In this case, this is the oil separator box that is realized with structural foundation and the wall-- and [INAUDIBLE] concrete.
In this case, [INAUDIBLE] model. And using the PowerPack all the rebar elements for this kind of project. And on the left we can see some information about the final output. So we have, for example, 1,200 elements and the total weight of 3,200 that we use for rebar quantity takeoff. And so this is another example.
But which is the final output? So that was the modeling. And this is the final output. In this case, this is an example of 1 of the 75 sheets that we have produced for the structural project.
Well, we can see that on the right we can see a detail. Let's zoom in. So here we have a section on the old separator box. But we can see that we have all the information about the rebar, as for position, total length, number of [INAUDIBLE] element, the length of each segment. That is the most important information for the construction phase, because in Italy we need this kind of information for the permit-- for the structural permit too.
And then this is another example. In this case, this is the foundation of the oil separator box that is all combined with the rebar elements. And for each rebar elements we can extract and manage all the information, as for the position, the dimension, and so on.
Another example, another zoom in is this with that for the Graitec PowerPack we can automatically produce this kind of detail with the shapes, with the shapes of each rebar, and all this kind of information that is the most important things for the construction phase. So we can manage all information for each rebar that can be automatically detailed, and in case of variation, updated with this kind of final overview.
This is another example of the reactors area. This is another structural sheet. And yeah, the same. We can see that for each rebar element, this section on the reactor's foundation and the structural fireproofed wall, we can extract information about the rebar as for shapes, position, dimension, single element, and so on.
Then this is another application that we use in our company. Because for Italian permit, for structural permit, we need to attach to the technical specification, to technical [INAUDIBLE] a series of information about the structure. So in this case, with this kind of schedule from Revit, we can directly extract information in various formats, as for TXT, direct in Excel, SUS, and so on that can help us to manage this kind of information for the technical final report for structural parameter.
And then this is another example of the use of this kind of workflow. So in this case, the client just asked us to have the cost estimation document, so the 5D documentation directly extracted from the BIM model. So in this case, we used the software that is called [? SRTR ?] Revision [INAUDIBLE] that is FC compliant. And we have imported the FC file.
For example, this is the FC file of the [? oil ?] separator box. That we can see that for the bar elements we have always the same information and the correct FC type assigned, that in this case, the FC reinforcing rebar.
So in this case, we can see that we have no loss of information. Uses [INAUDIBLE] kind of workflow with the PowerPack. Then with the quantity takeoff in this kind of software, we can assign a price article to the quantity to extract the quantity takeoff. And we can automatically generate the final cost documentation for the tender and for the quotation.
Then finally, just to show our final workflow, we just published all the sheets a work in progress with the client using the Autodesk BIM [INAUDIBLE] pro. In this case, so in the BIM 360 platform, we just shared the sheets. And selecting all the elements as for rebar elements, we can see that we have all the same information.
And I think personally that this is one of the most important things. Because in this kind of project the most important thing is to have no loss of information in these kinds of projects. So starting from Revit, using the PowerPack plugin in [? IC ?] we have no loss of information to share in our internal team or with the client. And this is it.
So in conclusion, starting at the beginning of this project we just need to find a solution for our company to [INAUDIBLE] the possibility to facilitating their reinforcing bar modeling, the reinforced 3D modeling for the bar, for the [INAUDIBLE], for the reinforced concrete element. The solution was identified in the Graitec PowerPack plugin that helped us to manage the 3D modeling of the rebars, the schedules producing sheets, and detail for the rebar modeling, especially in case of variation, because we can automatically update and manage these kind of information sheets and so on.
And so the final benefit using these Graitec PowerPack have been to increase the control over 3D rebar modeling for this kind of structural project the possibility to reduce the time of updating and publishing the sheets. Because we know in this kind of project time needs money, and the increase in both the graphic and non graphic information that can be extracted directly from the BIM models.
So this is our experience. Thank you again to Stevens and Daniel to give us the possibility to share our BIM experience structural project. Thank you.
STEVENS CHEMISE: Thanks, Simone for this nice presentation and very interesting project. I think we all appreciate.
I would like to thank all the attendees. I hope you enjoyed this session as well. Do not hesitate to follow us on social network. Our host company [INAUDIBLE], and Graitec, and Autodesk [INAUDIBLE] on our social media, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
And as well, if you have any questions regarding this, you can contact us as well on LinkedIn on our social media. Hope you enjoy this class. Have a nice rest of your university event. And thanks to all of you again.