Key Learnings
- Learn how to set up a new workflow for Sheet Metal top-down design
- Learn how to use the Style library and Edit Sheet Metal Rule for rules management
- Learn how to identify parameters for specific features
- Learn how to improve the productivity on sheet metal design
- NSNina Shao邵纳毕业于同济大学, 机械设计与制造研究生学历, 2006年加入汉略信息科技有限公司, 于2008年并购入Autodesk; 入职职务为产品设计师, 后更名为用户体验设计师, 目前为高级资深用户体验设计师。邵纳及团队立志于为用户打造最满意的产品和解决方案, 在解决专业问题的基础上, 提供最优质的用户体验. 她参与的项目包含, 模具设计模块、AEC/BIM 交互方案、设计简化、T-spline自由造型、钣金多实体方案、DWG导入与参照、草图/建模/装配易用性项目、Inventor现代化方案等。邵纳及团队在产品开发过程中, 大量的进行用户调研和方案验证, 在各种线上线下活动中, 跟全球的客户保持密切的交流和沟通, 加速设计方案迭代, 跟用户共同打造更优质的解决方案。同时, 利用大数据, 进行多维度分析, 作出更精准的方案决策。
- River CaiRiver received his bachelor’s degree from Huazhong University Science and Technology. As one of major engineer in Inventor development team, he has worked for Autodesk 15+ years on Inventor product. He often online & offline communicates product requirement and issues with global customers and product support for the solution, and provided more than 40 sessions about Inventor & Vault products in local customer events in the past several years, and support AU China on manufacture customers for a couple of years. He also attended the AU Las Vegas in 2014 & 2016 as speaker, and provided the customer support in Answer Bar and other customer session.