Key Learnings
- Learn how to identify new applications of Simulation tools in your work
- Learn how to better judge precision of Simulations in demanding applications
- Learn how to use best practices in setting up and running large-scale CFD and mechanical simulation in aerospace and other applications
- Be inspired about the future of space exploration and aerospace
- DTDmitriy TseliakhovichDr. Tseliakhovich is the CEO & CTO of Escape Dynamics and is currently leading the development of advanced aerospace and wireless energy transfer systems. Dmitriy is an active speaker, lecturer and writer. His work has been featured on CNN, CNET, Nature Magazine and other prominent media outlets. In 2010 Dmitriy presented his vision for the future of space exploration at the opening of the Autodesk University and since then he and his team have been actively involved with Autodesk community. Dmitriy has a Ph.D. in Astrophysics from Caltech and a M.Sc. in Physics from Carleton University in Ottawa. He is also a graduate of a revolutionary post-graduate program at the Singularity University - an institution co-founded by Autodesk to empower the cadre of young leaders to address grand challenges faced by humanity today.