Key Learnings
- Learn how to create a new custom title block designed for your business, brand, and industry needs.
- Learn how to create a template with document and sheet settings designed for your company and your projects.
- Learn how to create a "smart" template that can automatically generate sheets, views, parts lists, and bend tables.
- Learn the benefits of using templates versus preferences.
- Stewart SabadellStew has been working with Autodesk technology for 35 years, most of them as a developer on AutoCAD, 3D Studio VIZ, and 3ds max, and as a development manager and CPO on Fusion 360 Drawings.
- Andrew de LeonAndrew de Leon is a senior principal user experience designer at Autodesk, Inc., with 20 years’ experience in the manufacturing industry and 15 years in user experience design. He has experience with AutoCAD, AutoCAD Mechanical, Inventor, and Fusion 360. He’s passionate about manufacturing and design, and if he goes missing he's usually in the shed tinkering.
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