Key Learnings
- Learn how to create and manage issues to increase efficiency and maintain safety in the field
- Learn how to use photos and digital documents for quality control
- Learn how to utilize checklists to support quality control and produce punch lists
- Learn about recording daily activities to maintain a project schedule
- Jason BoehningJason is passionate about helping people and organizations in the AECO industry. As a trusted consultant, he has helped organizations implement digital technologies to improve processes and deliver exceptional results. He has made a career of helping building professionals use digital tools to increase productivity for sustainable design and construction. Jason speaks at events and conferences all around the world. He is a repeat, top-rated speaker at both BILT North America and Autodesk University. Jason is a member of the Autodesk Expert Elite program and is an Autodesk Certified Professional for Revit MEP Mechanical, Revit MEP Electrical, Revit Architecture, and Revit Structure. He also served as an Autodesk Revit Mentor All-Star.
JASON BOEHNING: All right, well, welcome. Yeah, a lot of people are coming from lunch and I think there's kind of a short turnaround. So thank you guys for being here. They'll probably be some more folks coming in as we get rolling here. But once again, thanks for being here. Welcome to the Top 10 Things You Need to Know for BIM 360 Field Management.
So if I hadn't had a chance to meet you, my name is Jason Boehning. I'm an AEC consultant for 4D Technologies. So essentially what we do is we help people be successful using the software and the tools that they have. And so that involves creating custom learning curriculum, optimizing workflows, creating automation tools, and so on and so forth.
You may also be familiar with our CAD learning products. And so I also oversee the development of our CAD learning products related to building design and construction. But today, we're going to be looking at an overview of BIM 360 as it pertains to field management.
And so I know that there's a lot going on in the BIM 360 world today. Autodesk is pouring in a lot of attention in to BIM 360. And so I don't know what all you've seen, what all you've heard but this is a beginner level class to just dig into it. And so my goal is to kind of show you the nuts and bolts of what's available.
It's like I said, you've seen a lot about well, BIM 360 can do this and it can do that. But what I hope to clarify today is what is it? What can it do? What can it not do? And really dig down into some of these workflows.
So here are the 10 things that we're going to cover today. So we're just going to start out kind of high level and then we're going to go into some specific workflows. And so we'll look at just a general overview of BIM 360 and then we'll look at the administration side and how to manage those accounts, how to get projects set up. And then we'll look at the document management aspect of BIM 360 and that could be a whole class on its own.
And I know there are classes here on document management so we'll just touch on it briefly. And then we'll look at some of the field workflows pertaining to RFIs, checklists, issues, using daily logs, and then we'll look at using the mobile apps. We'll kind of touch on that along the way too. And then we'll look at third party tools and custom integrations.
Real quick, before I move on. So just kind of where we're going-- I know that if you're sitting here and you're like, oh wow. This is not what I was thinking this was going to be. You're not going to hurt my feelings if you just slip out and go find another class.
I know that your time is valuable. And so I want you to get the most out of this session. But if this is what you expected, then great. Let's dig in. Hopefully, we can have a little fun along the way. And I really hope that you can take something away from this.
All right, so let's go ahead and just jump right into it. So the first thing you need to know about BIM 360 field management is first off, what is BIM 360? And then how can it be used for field workflows?
So I'm sure you've seen this graphic quite a bit. And so essentially, BIM 360 is a single cloud platform for project delivery and construction management. And so there are many aspects to BIM 360 but one thing that's important to know is that it's built on the Forge platform.
And so the Forge platform is basically just a set of APIs that allow programmers to connect into it. So you can pull project data out of it. You can even create tools that can stack on top of BIM 360, if you will, and work inside of it. And so that's the great thing. What Autodesk does is they build these open platforms that can be connected into.
So it's the same thing with BIM 360. It's built on Forge so that all of your data can be accessed and you can build tools to run on top of it. And then there's obviously lots of other tools that are here. And those things are referred to as modules. And so there are several modules that make up BIM 360.
And so like I said before, it's a single cloud platform so everything in here is connected. So let me touch briefly on classic BIM 360 and Next-Gen BIM 360. How many of you have heard classic BIM 360, Next-Gen, BIM 360 Field, Build, all this stuff, right? Has anybody got that all figured out? Anybody say, I understand all of it? Anybody kind of confused on some of that terminology? Some people, OK. OK, great. Well, let's kind of clear it up.
So BIM 360's been around for a while and they started out with essentially standalone products. So there was BIM 360 Glue, there was BIM 360 Field. There was Plan and Ops and all these other programs. These were kind of standalone tools, if you will.
The Next-Gen platform, as it's referred to, is it's all connected. Meaning, all the tools are integrated together. So think of it like this-- not too long ago if you wanted to watch TV or consume some type of content, I'm sure you had like, a DVD player maybe some type of cable service maybe even an antenna to access local TV. And so you have all these separate things, right?
I want to watch a movie. OK, put it in the DVD player. Oh, I want to watch a live sporting event. OK, let's turn to the cable box, right? So it's separate things. Now, there are these streaming services that it's all together. It's all in one package. So you want to watch live TV, there it is. You want to watch a movie on demand? It's in the same platform. You know watch one of your shows on demand? It's the same platform.
So use that analogy, if you will, to think about BIM 360 today. Everything's connected. You want to upload some documents and view those on your mobile device? You can upload it to document management. You want to create some field issues and some checklists to track your workflows in the field? You can do it in BIM 360, it's the same platform.
Same platform that the engineers are using. Same ones that the foreman in the field are using. It's just using different modules. Does that help? Does that help kind of clear up just a little bit? Anybody? Anybody? Awesome. OK.
It's like I said, it's all here so you can access it all from inside of BIM 360. Now, just to clear up a few more things-- subscriptions. So you don't just get a subscription to BIM 360. There are several options for subscriptions.
And here are the four that are available, or at least that I'm aware of today. So there's docs, design, Glue and Build. So wait, you said Glue was a classic product. It is but it's also a subscription for the Next-Gen BIM 360 platform as well.
So basically these subscriptions, they just control which modules you have access to. So the one we're going to focus on today is BIM 360 Build. So it includes field management, project management, document management, all of the admin stuff. And then it also includes classic BIM 360 Field.
I don't know where you're at today. Let me just kind of take a quick poll here. Quick show of hands-- who has never used BIM 360 before? We have a few folks. OK. How many are using one of the classic products? OK. Who's using the Next-Gen platform? Got a few people. OK, great.
All right, so yeah, just to reiterate, if you have a subscription to Build, you also get classic BIM 360 Field as well. All right, and also another thing to point out, and this was kind of confusing to me. And I had a sales rep explain this to me as far as the subscriptions go. But they are based on seats in an account.
So if your organization gets a subscription to BIM 360, you get an account and there's a certain number of seats in that account. And so that was a little confusing to me because I sometimes think of well, I have a subscription to Revit or I have a subscription to AutoCAD. So I have a subscription to BIM 360 but that's not really the case. Your organization has a subscription and you get an account and then, they invite people into that account.
So let me use another analogy. I have two young kids. And so when we have a birthday party at some gym or whatever, some kids place, I pay for a birthday party for a certain number of kids, right? Let's say, 20 kids.
Say my neighbor, he has a birthday party and all the same neighborhood kids are coming. Well, he's also going to pay for a birthday party for 20 kids even though maybe 10 of those kids are going to go to the same birthday party. It doesn't matter what these kids have access to in terms of subscriptions you're paying for them to come to a birthday party.
Same thing here. Your organization gets an account, you're hosting projects in that account, you're inviting people to come into that account and work on these projects. If another organization that you work with wants to host projects and they get a subscription and some of your people in your organization are going to work on that project, well, they're going to be also in their account. So does that make sense?
So it's not about individual subscriptions, it's just having an account with a certain number of seats where you can invite people in. So that's important to know because if let's say you're a general contractor and you're going to host projects and you're going to have your subcontractors in there, you need to make sure that you have enough seats in your account so that you can invite them all in and they can all work on this project. Does that make sense? OK. Awesome.
All right, last thing in terms of general overview. So I don't know if you guys received an email from me. It's been a couple months ago and not as many people were registered but I sent an email out to you guys and just saying, hey, what are some of the things you're looking for?
And so a lot of the questions were well, can I use it on a laptop? Can I use it on a tablet? Can I use it on a certain device? And so just to kind of clear up some of those-- so you can use it on a desktop computer in your office, on a laptop computer in your office. You can use it on a laptop out in the field.
And then there's also apps. There's mobile apps that can be used in the field on tablets and on smartphones as well. And so we'll cover all that today. If you have a Surface Pro, you can access it just like you would in a desktop computer. Access it through a normal browser like, Google Chrome or Firefox or whatever it may be.
All right. So the second thing you need to know is how to manage accounts and create projects with the account admin module. So let's talk about account admin a minute. So when your organization gets a subscription to BIM 360, you have access to an account.
And somebody needs to be an admin in that account and control things like members and then other account admins and companies. And then they're also going to create projects and get projects setup. And so this is somewhat frustrating to some people because they're like, hey, I manage all of our software but I don't want to be creating the projects.
And so I'm about to show you how you can come in here and add other admins so that maybe your IT guy can manage the software and subscriptions and all that and then you can have somebody else go in there and manage all the members and projects and all that. And so that's a little bit about what we'll jump into.
But before that, I just want to touch on one more thing before we jump into the demo. And this is default member roles. So when you invite a member into your account because they're going to work on a project, you're going to have to assign them a default role.
And I'll show you this here in a minute. I promise. But there are several default roles available and those default roles control what modules they have access to when we get inside of BIM 360.
So for example, an architect will simply be a project member in document management, project management, and all these modules whereas a BIM manager will have admin access in these modules. And so these can be modified but it's important that you use these default roles so that you don't end up with all these people on your project. And then, they're all assigned to different things and you don't really know who has access to what.
And so it's very important that you manage roles and manage access because that's a huge thing in BIM 360. Permissions and access is a huge thing that you have to get right from the beginning. Otherwise, it's just going to cause a lot of headache down the road.
All right, so let's jump in to BIM 360. And let's start taking this for a spin. So when you log into BIM 360, you can go to and you're going to be taken to some module, some product, whatever you have access to. But at the top here, you're going to see which account you're in.
When you expand this dropdown, you'll see the account once again, that you're logged into, and then you'll see any projects that you have access to in that account. If you want to switch accounts, simply click Change Accounts and switch to a new account.
And so once again, you may be working in a project for your organization, you may be working in another project for five or six other organizations. And so you just switch to those accounts and you can access those projects. If you're an account admin, you will see the account admin module here in the module selector. So simply click this module selector and you can see account admin.
So let's touch on account admin briefly here. So there are several tabs across the top. And what I would recommend is starting here with the companies. You need to add companies so that then when you add members, you can assign them to a certain company.
And then when you assign them to a project, all that data is going to basically move along with them. And so once again, it's just about tracking information in your projects and into your accounts. And so the more information that you can provide, the better that it will be for your analytics.
So when you add a company, simply click Add and there's all these fields here that you can specify. All you really need is a company name and then the trade or the company type. And there are several options here and these are default options, they cannot be modified. But there's quite a bit and you should be able to make it work with those.
You can also specify company address, even a tax ID, add a company logo, all that good stuff. I'm not going to go through and create all the things that I'm gonna show. I will create some, we'll walk through it. But once you have a company created, you can select that company in the list and it'll open up their company profile.
Here you can modify the logo, you can modify their name. You can even delete that company out of your account. And you can come back in here and edit any of that information. And then you can view the projects that the members in that company are a part of. And then you can even open up a project from this little tab right here.
So once you have a company, then you can come in here and you can add members. So there are multiple ways you can add a member. You can simply add them manually, you can invite additional account admins from this tool right here, and then you can import members from a spreadsheet. So if you have a list of members on a spreadsheet, you can just import them in and that'll go a lot quicker.
As far as some of the information that's needed, it's a pretty straightforward process and I'll show you right here. You type in an email address, then you click Add. And here's where you specify the default company. And actually, it's a requirement here to be able to add a member. And that company must be created already. And so you can begin typing and then this list will populate.
So if the company's not in there, you haven't created it yet, you're going to have to go back and create it before you can add this member. And then this is where you specify that default role. So we talked about this a minute ago.
So the default role, that's going to control which modules they have access to, by default, when added to a project. It can be modified and I'll show you that but it's a lot easier to track it just using this roll. So I'm going to come in here and I'm just going to assign the contractor role here.
AUDIENCE: Hey, Jason?
AUDIENCE: Does it help to know what their Autodesk ID is or does that matter?
JASON BOEHNING: It does. So if you use their email address that's associated with their Autodesk ID, it's actually going to pull up their account here. So OK, just kind of continue them now. So when you add somebody, they'll show up here. And when you select somebody in the list, you can open up their member profile.
And so this is mine actually. And this is my Autodesk profile. So I didn't come into BIM 360 and add that, this is my email tied to my Autodesk profile. And so this info is going to populate based off of the Autodesk account. So that can just add more data to your project but it's not a requirement.
All right, so once again, you can edit basic information. I can't change mine here but you can make them inactive and delete that member. And then once again, you can see which projects they have access to.
All right, I know this stuff isn't fun. We'll get to some of the fun stuff in a minute. But I'm just telling you, we hear these complaints all the time. They're like, I'm having so much trouble getting my projects setup and it's so frustrating. And what are these permissions? There's so many permissions. And so I'm just trying to navigate through some of these but we'll get to some fun stuff here in a minute too.
All right, so companies, members, and then you can go in here and create projects. And we'll walk through this just briefly here. Once again, all kinds of data that you can specify here. But at a minimum, you need a project name and let me just go ahead and we'll walk through this here.
So project name and then you can specify a project type. And so there are several categories here that you can specify. And these can be modified afterwards. But if you select one of these sample projects, you can only modify it to another sample project.
You can specify a construction type, project value, the contract type, the project start date, the project end date, once again, which can be modified. You can choose a business unit, which is just for organizing your projects. Add a project image, the address, the time zone, all kinds of information here.
So once you save, you're going to come here to be able to activate services. And so this is where you can control which modules are going to be activated for that project. And for most of these, document management must be activated.
And so with document management, you can actually copy project settings from an existing project if you want to copy those settings over. And then you also need to specify an admin. And so this can be anybody that you have in the account right now.
And then you can also enter a company. We'll click Save here. And I'm just going to activate a couple more here. We'll activate project management and then we'll activate field management as well.
And you'll notice here, you don't see field management but you do see BIM 360 Field. But when you click Activate, you can see you can access the Next-Generation field management or you can select BIM 360 Field, which is the classic product. You cannot activate both of them in a project.
If you did want to use both, for example-- one thing I'll just share with you right off the bat. Next-Gen BIM 360 does not have any type of equipment tracking capabilities at this time. So for example, the barcodes to associate that with the equipment and be able to bring that through, that's not available right now in the Next-Gen.
It is available with classic Field and so if you wanted to use that capability and the Next-Gen, you would need to create two projects. Activate classic in one, activate Next-Gen in the other. But I believe that it is on the roadmap as far as the equipment stuff. They are working on it now.
All right, so once you choose which services or modules you want activate, simply click Finish and you'll have your project here. So once again-- whoops, I got a little ahead of myself here. When you select a project, it's going to take you right into the module admin module. But just a couple more things before we get there.
You can view your analytics. This is where you'll see basic information about your account. You can see your limits based on your service. In other words, the number of seats that you have in the account. You can see that I'm obviously overcapacity here in mine.
In the settings, this is where you can come and add additional account admits. And so simply click the Plus Sign here and you can add another account admin. You can modify your account name, modify the image. And also I want to point out this little option right here. This will allow your admins of field management to be able to add companies into your account.
And so if you have somebody that may be outside of your organization that's an admin in Field, you can select this if you want them to be able to ad companies into the account. Business units this is where you can come and add business units.
Once again, just a way to organize your projects. We'll touch on custom integrations later. And then apps is where you can come and access third party apps. And once again, we'll touch on that later.
So once you have a project, you can come in here and select it. And it'll take you to the project admin module. And this is where you manage your projects. And so just real quick, let me switch back over here. Oops.
So which is the third thing on our list here. Is how to manage projects and members with the project admin module. And so I guess I didn't need to switch back for that but I did. So here in the project admin module, this is where we can add members that are going to work on our projects.
So once again, the setup here can be kind of painful. I get it. But it is what it is right now and there is kind of a method to this. It's just to kind of keep projects separate from accounts and so on and so forth.
So when you add members, you can add members from your account. So I'm going to come in here and add a couple members that are already in my account here. So you just type their name, it'll populate, and you can add them.
If you want to add somebody that's not in the account, you can just type in their email address. You know what? I'm going to add another person here. If they're not in the account, you type their email address and make sure you press Enter here because when you press Enter, the Select button will become available. If you don't, it won't. Just a little trick there.
And then this is where you can come in and you can add the company. If you're just inviting them in, they're not in the account already, you're going to have to assign the company to them. And if they are in the account, you can actually modify the company as well. And then you can add a role once again, to control their permissions here in the project.
Now once again, the roles here control which modules they have access to. But you can come in here and overwrite them by simply clicking on these little icons right here and it'll control whether they have access or they're admin. And once again, this is just based off of this default role right here.
And if they're a member, you can only swap member for or no access. If it's an admin role, then it'll be either admin or no access. So once again, if you want somebody here, you're like, hey, I just want them to be a member-- but this is just toggling between admin and no access. You're going to need to come in here and change that role. So once again roles and permissions are extremely important here.
Then you add them to the project and then they'll be project members here. And then they'll be able to work on the project. So work on your documents and checklists and issues and so on and so forth. And so we'll keep digging into this step by step.
Once members are added, you can come in here and see which companies that they belong to and the number of members that they have in your project. Once again, if you forget which project you're in, you can see it right here at the top.
Services-- if you want to come in here and you're like, oh man, I actually needed to add BIM 360 Glue. You can come in here and activate after the project has already been created. Also, I'll come back in a minute here to that.
The profile-- this is where you can come and modify that information that you specified when creating it. So you can modify the project name, you can deactivate it or change it to inactive, you can archive it, you can modify any of this information.
Like I said, you can come in here and change the project type but if you choose a sample project, you can only change it to another sample project. If you choose one of the other ones, you can obviously switch it to one of those.
All right so that's basic as far as project admin. I do want to show a couple things here in terms of options. And so when you're in the project admin module and you're here on the services tab, you'll see some options over here on the left. Let's go into field management and talk briefly about permissions.
So once again, permissions are important. I've been said that like 20 times already probably. But when I come in here to define permissions-- this is kind of a common theme that you'll see in BIM 360. You can specify permissions based on an individual user, a role that they have, or the company.
And so what we're viewing right now is field management permissions. The permissions I talked about earlier, those were based off of what modules are going to have access to in the project. So right here, this is going to control the templates and checklists functionality. And we'll talk about those later.
So let's come in here and say that I want my contractor. So I selected a role and I added them. Now I can come in here and I can modify their permissions for templates and I can modify their permissions for checklists.
Right here's a little help menu here so you can see the permissions that are available. There's basic, view all, create, view and create, and full control. So for example, maybe you're a general contractor and you're like, well, I want my subcontractors to create checklists but I don't want them to be able to create templates.
And so in this case, you can say so for templates I just want them to be able to view what's available but I do want them to be able to create checklists. So we can assign them to view and create.
And so once again, we'll dig into this. You'll probably be able to come back to this later and re-watch this session or go look at more detail in the paper. But it's important that the people have the correct permissions so that they can do what you want them to do in the project.
And so once again, you can specify permissions for an individual user or all users of a specific role or all users of a specific company. And so that is some flexibility that's nice in here. All right, another thing in terms of options here.
So you'll see this Locations here. When I click Locations, I'm going to open up this little page here. You can create Locations in BIM 360 Field that can be used when you're creating issues and then also when you're doing some other things in BIM 360.
And so these locations are not tied to any model that you're going to upload into document management. And so this is a manual process, essentially. And let's say you have a three story building and so you can come in here and you can create locations for each level. And so when I select Project and click Add, it's going to add a new location under the project branch here.
And so we'll create a few of these. If you want to further make more hierarchies here, you can select a level and then click Add. So we can say like area a. You can get this as granular as you want. You maybe even want to break it down into specific rooms.
And so once again, it's a manual process right now. It's not tied to the model. But there is an option here in which this was just updated on Friday. But you can import from an Excel file. And you can go in here and you can download a template. And you can see essentially the format that it needs to be in.
And so it just kind of putting a bug in your ear. If you're familiar with Dynamo, you can extract levels, spaces, areas, get it in Excel, and then import it here into BIM 360. And so that's a little more advanced.
We won't talk about that today. But that's a way to auto populate your list here. Because right now, it's not reading it from Revit. It is a manual process. But once again, you can add this, make it as granular as you want. You have a question?
AUDIENCE: Is there a resource that's available for that Dynamo workflow?
JASON BOEHNING: So he asked if there was a resource for that Dynamo workflow. So I actually have a class tomorrow on analytics using Dynamo. So if you can't attend it, just check it out on AU website afterwards. But talk to me afterwards and I can give you some resources there.
All right. So that's a way to-- and we'll dig into this and see how it can actually be used. But locations can be important in just making sure that people are understanding what you're referring to when you're creating issues and so on and so forth and RFIs and all that stuff.
All right, there are other options here. We're not going to go into all of them at this time. So let me switch back here and let's just continue on here. All right, next thing is document management. So like you said, there are other classes here at AU on document management so we'll just kind of touch briefly on it and keep rolling along here.
But to begin, in document management there's unlimited storage and it supports all file types. And there are two root folders that's important to understand. There's a plans folder and there's a project files folder.
In the plans folder, it only supports PDF files; design files, such as Revit, IFC, DWF, and DEG. The reason is that it's limited is it because it uses OCR technology to extract information and then populate it inside the database.
The project files folder on the other hand is just like any other file storage program that you may have. Like a Dropbox, if you will. You can just dump any files you want there and they'll be available.
But the plans folder, it gets a little more complex. It uses the OCR technology. So the plans folder can be used for models, your construction documents, shop drawings. Whereas the project files folder, that's where you can store your photos or specifications, equipment information, reports, anything that you want essentially.
So let's look at Document Management briefly here. So once again, if I click this module selector, I can then go into another module. And we'll open up Document Management here. And I'm still in this new project so there's nothing in here at this point.
So we can create a folder structure. You can create it however you want. So I'm just going to create some folders here. Just click Add Subfolder and it'll create a folder here. And what I really want to show are permissions, right? Because permissions are a lot of fun to talk about. But extremely important for you to understand once you get these things started here.
So in addition to permissions to which modules they have access to and which functionality they can do inside of field management, you can also specify permissions for each folder inside of document management so that either individual users or people with a specific role or with a company can access those documents.
And so once again you can enter that role company or the individual name and then there are other options here. There's upload only; view only; view and upload; view, upload, and edit; view, upload, edit, and control. And so this is fun to do on your free time, come in here and review the different permissions and what everybody has access to. You have a question back there?
AUDIENCE: I do. In the September project, were these permissions [INAUDIBLE] with the project?
JASON BOEHNING: So before activating the services? Sorry, his question was when you specify permissions is there a way for them to carry on? And so back when we activated the service and we want to copy those projects settings, we would need to specify it there.
AUDIENCE: Ad the permissions in these folders would pass on with the project?
AUDIENCE: Perfect.
JASON BOEHNING: Yes. All right, so once again, this is just who do you want viewing documents? Who do you want being able to upload? Who do you want to see the documents and to be able to not necessarily make changes to them but be able to add issues or markups and so on and so forth?
So once again, that's easy just by coming in here and you can begin typing a role. Remember, we did contractor earlier so we'll type "contractor." And then I can say I want them to view and upload. So I can select View and Upload and then click Add. And then it'll populate down here and then afterwards, you can come in here and modify it as well.
All right, so once we have the permissions set up, then you can begin uploading files. And this process is pretty straightforward but if you're working in the project files folder, you can once again upload any files you want here.
And so this can be equipment manuals or specifications or whatever you want. And so you just upload it, you can drag and drop. And then you'll see the process down there. You can just close that dialog, if you want, and then just continue on.
And so we'll go here and we'll upload some additional files. And right now I'm in the plans folder and so we'll upload a Revit model. So when I upload a Revit model, it's actually going to extract my sheet information here. And so in Revit, you create sheets and there's sheet numbers and sheet names and so on and so forth.
So the first thing it's going to do is actually upload it. And then it's going to be looking for all that information. And so you'll see, right now, this layout template. It says Not Applicable. That only pertains to PDF files.
So once you click Upload, it's going to begin extracting that sheet information. And if you do not want to sit here and stare at this screen, you can click the little button in the upper right. And it'll minimize that dialog and you can continue doing whatever you're doing-- upload additional files, viewing files, so on and so forth.
So now, when we go and upload a PDF file, we're going to have to create what's called a layout template or a title block, if you will. So you can see that there's no template applied right now. And so if you had a template already created, you could select it there. If not, you can create one during the upload process.
And essentially what that's going to consist of is just selecting the area of your title block. And I don't know if you guys have used another program like this, but you're probably familiar with this. But you need to define that layout template and then all you need to do is select the area on your title block where you want BIM 360 to look in order to extract that information.
So there's a image crop tool down there at the bottom. When you select that, you can just use drag to create a window area. So in this, I'm just using the bottom right corner here. And then click Next. And you can specify a name for your layout template or title block. It kind of uses those names interchangeably but it's the same thing.
Then, when you click in one of the fields, you can simply, once again drag in the title block-- click and drag and just select those areas. If you want additional information, all you've got to do is create an attribute and then those will appear under Fields. If they appear vertical in the title block, you can simply select that little icon at the right and it will toggle whether it's looking for a horizontal or vertical option there.
All right, so if you hadn't noticed by now, I'm playing a video because we don't have to go through the whole upload process and wait on the internet. But once it extracts that information, you'll be able to scroll through and see what it has extracted.
If anything is missing, you'll see a warning. And if it's for the number, you have to specify a number. If it's for one of the other attributes, you can leave those blank if you want but it must have a number because that's what it's going to use to name those files inside of document management.
All right, once again you can click that little button in the right and it'll close it. And I'm not done yet. We'll go back and I have a project here where I already have some files. Now, we'll look at what you can do with those files once they're available in document management.
Sorry, real quick. Oh, I forgot had some notes here that I was going to look at. Anyways, all right, so let's take a look now at what you can do when you have some files here. So first off, let's look at that Revit model.
So you can see I uploaded a Revit model simply called Building Model. I have the 3D view here and then I also have all the sheets. And you can see here that it's named them because it's extracting that information.
So let's take a look at the 3D model. I can simply select it and then I can open it up here. And we can navigate around this model similar to how you can in Revit. A lot of the view controls are similar or just like any other Autodesk viewer that you may be familiar with.
You can also actually select Elements here in this viewer. And so you can select Elements and then click Model Browser here. And you can actually turn the visibility on and off. You can do that for entire categories of elements, if you're familiar with Revit, or individual elements.
And then you can also view the properties. And so these come straight from Revit. You're not going to be able to see every single property that was specified in Revit but you can see quite a bit of them here. So that's one thing. That's just kind of some general navigation here.
There are, once again, several view tools here. This split view mode tool is pretty cool. So you can actually open up your 3D model obviously and then you can have one of the floor plan views or one of your sheets here. You can switch to another sheet if you wish. But you can navigate here while you're also viewing the model, as you're reviewing drawings here.
AUDIENCE: How do we pull that up?
JASON BOEHNING: Sure. So he said, how do we pull that up? So down here at the bottom, this is our toolbar here. And so there's this tool called split view mode. So simply click Split View Mode and it's going to open up this other window here. Then, there's this dropdown where you can select another one of your sheets. You can click the X and close it down.
You can walk through models. Once again, other tools here. You can do the section analysis where you can come in here and add a plain. And then once again, kind of dig into these models a little bit more and take a deeper look inside here.
Let's turn that off. You can measure and also, one other thing I want to show here is the compare. So we can compare. You can compare versions of a 3D model. And so-- sorry I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me just go back here.
As you can see here there's a version column. And you can see I have V2. Means there's two versions of the model. So I made some modifications, I re-uploaded it here in my canned project. When you click in the version field, it's going to open up the version history dialogue.
With things like Revit models, you can compare different versions. Simply click Compare Versions here and then you'll be able to select which ones you want to compare. I obviously just have two here so we'll click Compare. And it's going to take me essentially into compare mode. And now I'm going to have these options here where I can view what has changed.
So we'll give it a second here to load up. But here we go, OK. So I have this changes dialog here. And first off, I can see these are all toggles. All these little buttons here toggles. So if I don't want to see elements that are removed or modified, I can toggle those off and now I can see which elements were added and they're going to highlight in green.
So I'm going to see OK, there were some walls added. There was a door added. I can even further refine those by discipline by turning one of these off. We can come back in here and say, OK, let's see which ones were modified. So let's toggle off added and removed. Now, we can see which elements have been modified.
You can see a list of all those elements along with their Revit element ID. You can review as results tree where it'll organize them based on Revit category. And then once again, you can filter by discipline here. So I'm going to hide architecture. Or I want to see architecture and we'll hide structure. Once again, all these things are a little toggles here.
You can also filter by modification type. So we have here shape changes, so we can hide shape changes. We can hide transformation changes. So they've just been moved to a different part of the model. And we can also hide property changes. So maybe just a parameter was updated and that's it.
So like let's say we just want to view the one set where a parameter was changed. So OK, the roof, it wasn't updated completely, they just changed the parameter, right? And so once again, just little toggles here to help you see what has changed. Let's click Exit Comparing and let's take a look at how to compare PDF files.
So when I come down here, I have just a couple folders where I created a 50% set and a 75% set. And so we can come in here and see what has changed from those different sets or from any PDF files that you have. So we can do that by opening up the document. So we just select it here. And just where we were earlier, the compare tool.
So I click Compare. I have document a. Now I can come in here and select Document b, which can actually be any other file you want. So it doesn't just have to be the same version, it can be any file you want. So in this case, I actually have two PDF files because they're once again 50% set and a 75% set.
So I'll select that-- and oh wait. Did I did I select the same one? Sorry about that. So I selected the same document. All right, so now when I to have two different documents, I can actually click Compare. And once again, it'll go into compare mode. But it's going to look a little bit different because it's just a PDF file, right?
And so there are essentially two modes that you can use-- overlay and side by side. So with overlay it's just overlaying one file on top of the other and highlighting changes. With side by side, I have this little bar right here that I can drag.
And so I made some changes down here. So when I zoom in, I can drag this and you can see, OK, this wall was moved. There were some things that got modified around this area, right?
Same thing over here. I can see that some walls were moved here. So just a couple options here to help you view what has been modified.
Let's say they moved the view on the sheet, you can actually use this align tool and you can drag these around here. Don't watch too closely, I don't want to mess you up here. All right, Exit Viewer here.
So that's comparing files. Just a couple more things we'll take a look at here as far as the document management side. Do you have a question here?
AUDIENCE: Real quick here. What if your two PDFs aren't lined up exactly? Is there a way to adjust them so they do line up?
JASON BOEHNING: Yeah. So that align tool, the little move tool, you just click that and you can drag it to the appropriate spot. He asked if they are not lined up, once again just use that align tool and move it to where it needs to go. You have a question?
AUDIENCE: Can I compare more than two documents or the [INAUDIBLE] copy?
JASON BOEHNING: Just two documents. He asked if you can compare more than two documents. You can only compare two documents at a time. One more?
AUDIENCE: Yeah, are there issues if the title blocks aren't in the same location [INAUDIBLE]
JASON BOEHNING: Yeah, he asked if the title block was moved around then-- yeah, it's going to show up in different colors. But if you're just concerned about the model, just make sure those are lined up and then you'll be able to use the slider or the overlay, however, to see those.
So yeah, if they start moving the title block around or something, it can get a little tricky in there and you're going to be seeing a lot of red and blue. OK, just a couple more things here in document management, we're about halfway through here.
You can add a hyperlink. And so once again, I said that right now I'm viewing a sheet from my Revit model. And so it works similar in that I can select Elements here. So it's similar to the 3D model but I'm here in a 2D view so I can select Elements. But I can't simply attach a document to a specific element. You can't go in here and track equipment. But what you can do is add some hyperlinks.
So I know and that's not quite as good but-- or you can add hyperlinks for your views or whatever it may be. So a lot of views are already hyperlinks but you can come in here and drag a window and you can come in here and select another document.
So for example, create a hyperlink to the 3D model here. And I mean, that's probably not realistic but just to show you here how you can do that. You can even come in here and add a hyperlink to a document in your project files.
For example, maybe you want like, an installation guide for these doors. Now we have this installation guide-- a hyperlink to it. So I mean, you can get as complex as you want with these things in terms of adding hyperlinks, connecting your documents, whether it's in plans or project files.
AUDIENCE: What about creating hyperlinks to do another blank URL?
JASON BOEHNING: So he asked if you could create a hyperlink to another URL. I don't believe you can do that at this time. So hang on real quick. Let me just check something here. So I go in here. Yeah, sorry, there's no other options except what is available in document management.
In a minute, when we get into issues and stuff, there will be another option to select another document. If you had a document, like a PDF, and put some URLs in there or something, that would be my recommendation on how to do it.
AUDIENCE: So everyday inside of that document [INAUDIBLE]
JASON BOEHNING: Yes. Yeah, so essentially if you wanted it to hyperlink to an external site or something, just add that link in an PDF, upload it to project files, and then hyperlink it there. I guess that's kind of a workaround. So good point.
OK, if we want to add some markups, you can use the markup tool. And you can either do like, a freehand markup. So for example, you're like, hey, the architect's missing his tag here.
And any markup you create is going to be added here in this markups panel. And right now, it's going a little bit slow. You can add an attachment to a markup and you can also change the status here. It's going a little bit slow.
I'll go over here and we'll just create another one. There's also these markup tools. You got to click the little arrow up here. But there's a rectangle, an oval, a cloud, some line tools. There's even a dimension tool. So we'll click Cloud and just click and drag. And we can create a markup here. You can even add a dimension. We'll add a couple here and I'll click Done again.
Sorry, I'm going a little fast. You can't read those. But OK, once a markup is created, you can either be private or published. So if it's private, only you'll be able to see it. But at what point you want all the other project members that have permission to view this document, then you change it to published.
And once again, we can add an attachment here and that's another document that's stored in your document management there. If you actually want to assign this to somebody-- sorry, you got a question?
AUDIENCE: Yeah, just kind of going with the attachments for hyperlinking. Are you able to search function multiple [INAUDIBLE]? If you've got an issue with [INAUDIBLE] sheets, can you hyperlink that across all sheets or do you have to go in to each sheet manually throughout [INAUDIBLE]?
JASON BOEHNING: It would have to be each sheet. Sorry, he asked if you could create a hyperlink that would be in multiple documents. And yeah, you'd have to do that multiple times. All right, so let's look at creating some issues here and then actually assigning this to somebody.
So let's say right here, like, we need to see some ADA requirements here on our plans. So I can go to this issue's panel here and create an issue. And the first thing you have to do is select a location pin.
So when you create an issue from a document, you actually have to place a pin here. So we'll select right there. And then there, you can specify the type. And so the type of issue is going to-- and we'll jump into issues a little bit more later.
But they're going to kind of control the response workflow inside of BIM 360 here. So if this is a design issue, it's going to have a smaller workflow, I guess, to resolve that issue. You can also specify a subtype.
If you just want to see it set the status to draft, we can add a title here. So I'll say show ADA clearances and we can assign it to somebody. So in this case, I'll assign it to the architect. We can assign a due date. So give him a couple of weeks. And here's where some of these locations start to come in.
So you can expand your branching however you may have it. You can select a level or an area or room, however you created this. And then you can enter additional location details if you want. So this is just a text based field where you can add whatever you want, right?
So we'll say men's women's restroom, 110, 109 just to enter additional information. You don't have to. Then, you can specify a route cause. So in this case, we'll say this is a documentation incomplete.
And so the more information you specify here, the more information will be available in some of the other modules like Insight where you can go in here and specify what issues are still open and the root causes as to why and all of that good stuff. You can specify a description and then we can create it.
All right, when I open this up here, you can see the responses that are available. And just kind of hold that thought. We'll dig into this a little bit more here in a minute. But all right, as far as documents go that's kind of a general overview of what's available.
So let's switch back to our presentation here. So that's kind of high level overview of managing your accounts, creating projects, and then getting document management set up, getting all your permissions set up. And so that's extremely important as like I said 100 times already.
And so as we jump into things like RFIs and issues and checklists, it's important that all these permissions are set up correctly so that everything else will then just begin to flow during the project. All right, now let's jump in to RFIs.
So RFIs there's actually some workflows here and you can select one of two different types of RFI workflows that are available. So there's a default RFI workflow that involves three roles here. There's the creator, a manager, and a reviewer.
The other option is RFI workflow with additional reviewer. All that does is add another reviewer to the step. And so I'll switch back between these again. So there are multiple ways that these can progress through the workflow.
But essentially, as far as the way that this was created is that the creator would be a subcontractor, the manager would be the general contractor, and the reviewer would be the architect. And so I'll show you here in a minute how we can specify those roles. But that's kind of high level how this was designed.
So let's go back here to BIM 360. So we can manage the RFI workflow in the project admin module. So let's go back to project admin. And RFIs are a part of the project management module. And actually submittals are too. So RFIs and submittals are a part of the project management module.
And so you'll see in here this is just a general overview of that workflow. You can select Change Workflow And this is where you can choose those options, either the RFI workflow or the RFI workflow with an additional reviewer. And then you can specify the user, a role, or a company for those three roles that I just said.
Sorry, I know rolls and rolls and rolls getting a little confusing. I get it. But you can specify like, an architect to be the reviewer or you can specify an individual user to be that reviewer or you can specify a company to be that reviewer.
So in this case, in my system here in the sample project I have Katie Watton who's acting as the architect. So I can assign to her as the reviewer. I can assign her company to the reviewer or I can assign her role.
And so once again, this all just needs to be established as you're creating the project on how many people are you going to have in this project? What are the roles going to be? And then how are these workflows going to go?
And so if you assign it to her company and she has five other people in here, she may not want those people to be able to see the RFIs or to be able to respond to those. So it's just important that you set those up appropriately based on the project.
And I have a quick video here of kind of the response workflow. But let me specify a few people here and-- OK. Now, I have this specified so I can go to the project management module and access my RFIs.
So when I create an RFI and we'll just roll through this kind of quickly here, once again you can specify a status; draft, only you can see it; open, that's when other people are going to be able to see it and you're going to be able to send it on in the workflow; you can enter a title; what your question is; the suggested answer. And then you can attach any documents to it.
So here you can access your plans and project files or you can also upload a document from your computer if you don't have an on document management. Then you can link a document. What that's going to do-- OK, attachments, it's just going to attach it.
If we link a document, you're going to be able to go in and place a location pin in that document. All right, and this is all detailed out in the paper. And so I know we're covering a ton of stuff right now. And so it is all detailed out in the paper.
Once again, specify additional location details, the due date. You can add additional co-reviewers if you wish and then you can add other people to the distribution list. If you're like, hey, I want them to see it but I don't want them to be able to respond to anything, you can do that as well.
All right, and so I created just a sample RFI here saying, hey the plans and the specifications don't match. And so right now, it's draft, meaning only I can see it. I can void it out if I want or if I'm ready to submit it, I can go ahead and submit it to the manager.
And then you can actually go ahead and choose who you want that to be submitted to. So if you're a subcontractor, you can submit it to the general contractor or however your workflow is set up.
They're going to be able to go in here and take a look at it. They're going to be able to see the details, view attachments, add additional attachments to view the activity of who's been modifying this thing. And if they're like, OK, it's ready to go. Then they can submit it to the reviewer.
At this point, they can add co-reviewers, they can modify the due date, and they can modify the distribution lists. So they may be like, no, I don't want anybody else to see it or they can add additional people. And so it's somewhat a flexible workflow but then they can submit it to the reviewer. And then the reviewer's going to get it and they're going to be notified that they've received it and then, I'm sorry. I haven't sent it on yet.
Sorry, this is why I don't like to do a lot of videos. But OK, here we go. Now I'm logged in as a different person. Now Katie's logged in and she can see what was sent in the RFI, the details in the attachment, view the activity feed of this RFI. And then she can go ahead and respond to it and provide an official response to be able to answer this RFI.
So in this case, she's updating a document and she can re upload that to document management and then answer this RFI.
AUDIENCE: I have a question about that.
AUDIENCE: A lot of times our company come up with an RFI number and we submit it to the GC, he may have a whole other system. Is there a way to have two names for the same RFI [INAUDIBLE]?
JASON BOEHNING: Oh, OK. So his question was, if you're the subcontractor and you have a certain naming convention and then the general contractor has another naming convention, can you have two different names? And so no, I don't believe there's a way to have two different titles in there. Maybe you can just add some additional information in there under description, that'd be my suggestion at this point.
AUDIENCE: Any custom properties for RFIs?
JASON BOEHNING: I'm sorry what's that?
AUDIENCE: Any custom properties for RFIs?
JASON BOEHNING: Any custom properties-- no, at this time you cannot add custom properties to RFIs.
AUDIENCE: Once the RFI is closed, can you reopen the RFI?
JASON BOEHNING: Can you reopen the RFI after it's closed? No, I don't believe you can reopen the RFI after it's closed.
AUDIENCE: --the RFI response comes back and you have a question on top of that.
JASON BOEHNING: Oh sure. Yeah, let me double check on that. I don't believe you can reopen RFI but let me double check on that. You got a question?
AUDIENCE: Can we export RFIs with a totally different RFI [INAUDIBLE]
JASON BOEHNING: Can you export an RFI, that was the question? I think you can. Let me see real quick here. Let me check on that. I'll check on that one too. But I have another project here that I can open in a minute where I actually have an RFI. And actually, let me just do that right now real quick for you guys.
So let's see about exporting an RFI here. Oh, here we go. Yeah, so there is an option to export a PDF report or a CSV report. So yes, you can export RFIs. One more question.
AUDIENCE: Is there a custom URL for RFI that [INAUDIBLE] another database so it can access the RFI [INAUDIBLE]
JASON BOEHNING: So his question was, is there a way to reference an external database of RFIs? So I think that would have to be done with some type of custom integration to add on top of BIM 360. I don't believe that's available out of the box.
AUDIENCE: Is there a field within the RFI where [INAUDIBLE] hyperlinked URL within this RFI [INAUDIBLE]
JASON BOEHNING: So there are additional fields, like the description field. You could add another hyperlink in there. Or once again, you could add an attachment with like, a PDF that had a hyperlink in there as well.
All right, sorry not to cut you off but I want to continue down here to our next couple of things. All right, number six is checklists. So how to use field management checklists for things like, quality and safety and we'll see what other options are available there.
So we have four options when creating a checklist. So the checklists are not quite as customizable as the issues and we'll touch on issues after this. But when you create a checklist, there are four types available-- quality, a punch list, a safety checklist, or a commissioning checklist.
And so there was a recent update on Friday. So just a quick FYI, on Friday there were actually I think like five updates pushed to BIM 360. And so if you viewed my paper before today, you're going to see prior stuff to the update. I was able to work over the weekend to get the paper updated and I completed it this morning.
And so one of those updates is account level checklists. So before that, you would just create a checklist template at the project level. And then if you created a new project, you just have to create new templates. Now you can create a template at the account level and push it down to your projects. And so that's much more user friendly in this template workflow.
And so let's come in here. So checklists are available in field management. And for creating account level checklists templates, you would be on the account admin module and then when you click the module selector, you'd see field management.
And you could go there and create a template or you can come here to the field management module and you'll be creating project level templates. So you can start by importing templates. So you can import them from an Excel file or you can import them from classic BIM 360 Field.
So if you're a classic BIM 360 Field user and you already have all those setup, you can just import those right here. And I believe there's a way in classic Field to export those and then you'd import them right here. Or you can create a new template. You can just create it from scratch.
So let's just kind of run through a general one here. Call it a safety checklist. You can add a description here and select in there. So we'll just say personal safety checklist. And then you can specify the type, which can be once again, those four types available. We'll select safety.
And this option here Allow Adding Section Assigning. So we're going to be able to create multiple sections in our checklist. And if you want, you can select this option and then you'll be able to assign that section to an individual user. So you'll be able to assign multiple user to a checklist based off of these sections.
If you want one person to fill out the entire thing, leave this option deselected and then you can just assign it to one person. So we'll click Next here. And now we can come in here and we can start filling this out.
So say, hardhats check. And now we can add items to this section. So before that, you can actually specify the response type, which can be a yes, no; true, false; pass, fail; plus, minus. You can even add multiple choice here, checkboxes. Can add a text field or a numeric field.
So let's just say add item here and we'll say supplied by an employer. And yeah, we'll leave this one out a yes, no. And I can click this check mark here. And then if I need to, I can modify this afterwards. I can add another item and we'll say worn properly and check mark. And so we'll say this one's pass, fail.
You can add another section here and we'll just say safety boots or steel toed boots, whatever you want to call it. And just running through this real quick here. Supplied by individual. We'll say that it's a yes, no. And just trying to create some items here for you guys to see. If I come in here and select multiple choice, I can then add multiple options.
And so you can say yes, they're worn properly. On site but not being worn. And so as you can see there, you can just fill out multiple options and then when somebody's actually using this checklist on a daily safety report, they can select one of these answers. Or you can create checkboxes and then they'll be able to select which option.
And so there are some flexibility around the checklist here. And if you are creating something like quality checklists where you're saying, hey, let's do like a door and frame inspection checklist and we're going to have multiple options here, you can actually set one to nonconforming.
And if they answer that option-- like, for example if they're checking windows and there's a window that's broken and they select that, then it's going to flag and say, OK, we need to get a new window out here onto the site so that we can replace it. So that's what this nonconforming option is.
In a safety checklist, that would flag as something that needs to be taken care of for that specific employee or whatever. You have a question?
AUDIENCE: Can you assign multiple users the section like you were saying? Does that role come to user or is that something else?
JASON BOEHNING: So the question was if you assign individual users to a specific section, I believe it's once again, individual, role, or company. I can double check. There's so many of those options, I'm losing track of them in my mind.
OK, so once again, you're adding sections, you're adding items to the sections. You can then come in here and you can move these sections around. You can even drag the items around. You can also attach files. So you can come in here and attach a file from your plans or project files folder.
For example, once again, on some type of installation checklist-- hey, was this installed properly? You can attach it to the installation guide and the manufacturer's guide on how it should be installed so they can then check that while they're on the site and be able to pull that document up.
There's this option here, you can set it as optional. They don't have to respond to that. And so once again, I think there is some flexibility here with the checklist. They're just not in terms of the types that are available.
So all right, let's go ahead and publish this. And so now I have a template. So now I can go and create a checklist from that template. So simply click Create Checklist and then we can come in here and modify the name. So maybe this will be our safety checklist for today. Maybe you create one for each day or however you need to do it.
So once we have that template, we can just keep creating the checklists. So let me just create one more here. I'll add one with tomorrow's date. So now, when I go back to my checklists here, you can see that I have a safety checklist for today and one for tomorrow. And now, when somebody's out in the field, they're going to be able to open these up and then begin responding to them.
And so I can show you an example of that real quick. Let me switch this over to my phone here. See if this works here. I'll show you a quick overview of the app since we are running a little low on time. So when you click this button in the upper left corner here, I know it's not really showing where I'm clicking. But you can click the projects and you can come in here and you can select the project that you want to view.
And then at the bottom here, you can access your documents, your issues, checklists, anything you've downloaded. So here on the checklist tab, you can see those checklists that we just created. So when I select one, I can then come in here and I can begin responding to this.
Oh, you know what? Sorry, I'm in a different project but same idea. That was another project that I had created for this class.
So here's our safety checklist that we just created here. And so you can see we can answer yes, there are hardhats on site. They are being worn properly. There are boots. Are they being worn? They're on-site but they're not being worn. And just complete these by clicking Done and then complete the checklist.
So once again, you can create this in your office and then it will immediately be available in the field through the mobile devices. I'll show you just a couple more that I created here in kind of a finalized project or for this example anyways.
So I had a door and frame inspection checklist. And so right here it says installation and operation per manufacturer's instruction and I attached a PDF file so they can come in here and they can view this PDF. And they can review it as their on site, make sure that it was installed correctly and then respond to the checklist.
All right, let me switch back. We're running a little short on time and so we want to get to issues. And so issues are a way to report anything, any existing problem, or any potential problem. And so we showed how to do issues in a kind of a design workflow. If you're a general contractor, you're reviewing documents or even how it can be used on the design side with architects.
But workflows can also be used in the field. And there are some flexibility when it comes to the types. You can create custom types, custom subtypes. You can create custom attributes and then you can modify the status set, which controls the response workflow. And so this was a recent update.
And so the recent update, as of Friday, was that there are unified issues and BIM 360 altogether. So previously, we had document issues and field issues. Now it's just unified issues and we changed the status set that is available for those.
So let's come in here and look at creating an issue. And so once again, we're in field management. Now we just switch to the issues tab. And you can create an issue from a laptop or from a desktop computer but a lot of times you're just going to do it when you're out in the field, right, as far as field issues go.
So let me switch back over here to my phone and you'll see at the bottom, I can switch to issues. And at the top right there, there's a plus icon. I can begin creating a new issue.
So here are all the types that are available and these are just the default types. So let's select quality. And I can select a subtype, if you have those created. And the status can be draft or open, once again, very similar to what we've seen before.
And let's say that we need to create something here. It's podium on the stage here. Replace podium, description. I'm just going fast here. We'll say it's broken. I can assign it to anybody. Once again, user, role, company. Sorry, I kind of went through that quick. As you can see there at the top-- user, role, company. So you can switch between those.
And the location. So these were the locations that were created back in project admin. So we'll say level one. And we can specify additional location details. So if you don't go as granular in your locations and you want to specify an actual room name, you can do that. Due date, say we need this replaced by tomorrow. And a route cause. What caused this issue?
And so once, again this helps with your analytics. And this can be viewed on the Insights page. So as you can see, there's lots of options here. And speaker pushing it off stage is not available. Well, we'll just say trade damaged.
And occurrences-- so this is actually this is a custom attribute that I created. And I'll show you that in a minute. But say how many times does this occur. It can be-- once again, a little flexibility there. And then we can activate the camera. So I can come in here and take a pic-- if you're on site, whatever it is, right? Whatever you're reporting an issue on.
And then we can create it. So when I do that, if you're in the field, then it'll automatically go back into the cloud, obviously. And then anybody in the office will be able to see it. And so let me come in here and switch projects because I was in another project here.
And so then, this will pop up and then, obviously the person that I assigned it, to they'll be notified. And so they'll be able to come in here and see. And if they're monitoring this in real time, they get the alert. They open it up and they're like, OK, we have a problem here. Or oh, this could be a potential problem right there.
I mean, we can go on and on about how issues can be used, right? But it's a nice feature to be able to communicate what's happening in the field and get it back to your people in the office or to the rest of the team to be able to collaborate with each other. And so they'll be able to go in here and view, like I said, the photo that you added, the information that you specified, and be able to get to resolving this issue as soon as possible. You have a question, sir?
AUDIENCE: Jason, can you do voice to text on your device as well?
JASON BOEHNING: Oh, his question was can you do voice to text? As far as with the BIM 360-- you're saying yes? OK, yes.
AUDIENCE: It's a phone feature.
JASON BOEHNING: OK, so if your phone has it, then you'll be able to do it in BIM, OK. Yeah, good question. Thank you. OK, I want to show you real quick how to customize some of these options here. So let's go back to project admin and select Issues over here on the left.
And that's going to take us to the issues options. Once again, there's permissions. I'm sorry, I know I've hammered home on permissions a lot but very, very similar. Who do you want creating these issues?
And then the issue types here, this is where you can modify what types are available. And so you can customize these however you want. The ones here that have the lock are the default ones and you can't really modify those.
So if I select one here, I can change it to inactive so that they won't see it. But I can't change the status set. I can add an attribute, I'll get to that in a minute. But once again, this can be-- maybe you want to use some CSI types here, input those or maybe input trades or input whatever. You can get as customizable as you want with these.
To create a new type, jut select Create New Issue Type and name it. You're probably going to want to make it active. And then, here's where you can control the status set. And so this is basically the kind of response workflow.
This is essentially what replaced document issues and field issues. They're now status sets. And there's a basic status set, which is essentially open, answered, closed. You can void it out too. Or the field status set, which has several more options there.
And so once again, you can get as creative as you want with these things and create types and then you can also create subtypes. And so once again, customize this however you want.
When you select Issue Attributes, this is where you can come in and say, hey, when they're out there in the field, I want them to be able to specify this information and I want them to be able to provide answers in this form.
So as far as the types that are available-- it's simply a text field, a dropdown, and then you can add different options here. You can make it a paragraph and they can come into here and add a description and type out I can remember the number of characters exactly. Or it can be a numeric response where they enter a number.
And so the one that I had created here is occurrences. So hey, if you find a field issue, how many times does that occur on the site? Some light bulbs out or windows broken or whatever it may be, how many times does that occur? And so they can respond with a numeric value.
When you have an attribute here, you need to add it to your issue type. You can do that by selecting the listing here and then clicking Add Attribute. So you can see, I have it right here for my quality. If I want it on the safety, I can come in here and click Add Attribute, Occurrences, and add it. Now, occurrences will be available for all my safety issues.
All right, so once again issues, you can control the issue types and create custom attributes. All right, a couple more things here. I knew I was going to run a little bit long but-- daily logs, this is a way for you to report daily weather conditions, labor metrics, progress notes. If I'm being honest, they have some work to do here. They will admit that. But that's essentially all it is, all right? We'll skip that for right now.
The mobile app-- I tried to cover it as we go along here. Let me cover some of the details here. You will notice that-- if you have an iPhone and you go to the app store, you're going to notice a BIM 360 app and a BIM 360 Docs app. If you have an Android, all you have access to is the BIM 360. And that's OK because the BIM 360 app is what they're actually continuing to develop.
The docs app has a little more functionality with documents but they're not continuing to update it. So you're not going to see those unified issues in the docs app. It's going to-- yeah, once again, there's a little more functionality with docs.
But if you can get everybody over to the BIM 360 app, that's what's continually being developed. As far as the docs app goes, there's no checklists or issues or daily logs available on that.
All right, last thing here is just like almost any other Autodesk product, you can go get a third party app that will install on top of or beside BIM 360 and provide some additional functionality. And like I just showed a minute ago when we were in there under the apps tab, that's where you can go and access all those apps.
If you have developers on your staff, they can develop custom integrations that can integrate with BIM 360. And so I have some resources here that if you have developers, that they can go to. And to be able to fully customize this to whoever your organization needs to use it.
All right, so once again, here's that apps tab. And here's where you can go to add custom integrations. And that's where it gets a little more advanced and we get into some of the four JPIs and creating custom integrations here.
All right, as far as just a couple bonuses as we wrap up here. So I think I mentioned this earlier but the submittals workflow, that's available in project management. And so similar to RFIs, you define a workflow, you submit a package, and then it goes through the workflow. And so it's very similar to some of the other things.
There's also, now, an approvals workflow in document management. So if you want to have a document and say hey, I want this approved. You can set who approves it and be able to send it through a workflow. So a lot of workflow based stuff here.
Oh, I didn't realize I had these. Here's the submittals workflow. Here's the document approvals workflow and some more options there. OK, so we are running out of time here. I know I've covered a lot of things and I probably bogged down a little bit in the admin stuff. I get it. But we're seeing a lot of people that they're getting bogged down in it as well. And so I just wanted to clarify some of those things.
This is available for you. I've uploaded it to the AU site here. Use those resources if you want some additional information. I have some final thoughts here. So I have a picture of my family up here. And when I introduced myself, I shared what I do, right? That's what I do for a living but that doesn't fully define all that I am, right?
And so I encourage you to think about your family, your friends, your loved ones, the things that you enjoy. Too often I see people that get bogged down in some of these new tools, right? There are new tools coming at us left and right, and people go home stressed out and anxious and lose time with their family and lose time sleeping because they don't know how to use the next tool that's available.
And so I hope that I've been able to give you something that you can use to take back to your office that you can use to help your staff to help your team implement this new technology. Use the paper, use some of the resources that I uploaded.
I also want to encourage you guys to keep pushing forward. So Autodesk creates these platforms that we can build upon. So I encourage you to keep pushing them. Use your teams to develop new apps, new tools so we can keep driving this industry forward. Because we can be better than what we're doing now. And we will.
And we can leave a legacy for the next generation and they can look back and see how we improved as we drive this industry forward. So with that, did you learn something today? Anybody? Show of hands. Awesome. OK, well, thank you for your time. I appreciate it. And please fill out the class surveys.
Thank you.
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