Key Learnings
- Learn about great Inventor productivity-enhancing plug-ins and content in the Autodesk App Store
- Learn how to save several hours per week by using several productivity-enhancing Inventor plug-ins
- Immediately download and install 10 great under-$100 productivity-enhancing apps
- Learn about the opportunity to sell your own apps in the Autodesk App Store
- WBWayne BrillWayne Brill has been a member of Autodesk Developer Technical Services supporting Autodesk, Inc., APIs for 13 years. Wayne provides API support for Inventor software, Fusion 360 software, Vault software, and the View and Data API.
- Xianhua TangAutodesk ADN ( Autodesk Developer Network ) 部门大中华区 高级市场经理 在Autodesk开发技术推广及支持部负责Autodesk开发技术在大中华地区的市场推广及合作伙伴拓展,在加入 Autodesk 公司以后,曾多年负责 Autodesk 公司产品的中文本地化业务,在过去的15年里一直致力于拓展 Autodesk 公司大中华地区的行业软件合作伙伴生态圈。拥有机械工程工学硕士学位,在加入 Autodesk 公司之前,曾从事机械产品设计以及应用软件研发等多种技术职位。
- HWHazel WoodHazel has worked at Autodesk for many years in a number of sales and marketing roles—including working with Resellers and Autodesk Developer Network partners. Her focus, since the launch of the Autodesk App Store, has been to help apps publishers leverage the sales and marketing opportunities of this popular apps marketplace. Hazel lives in California and loves to run. When she’s not helping to run the App Store she’s out on the trails, and as a Master ChiRunning Instructor can be found teaching others to run.
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