This lecture session will demonstrate the use of the Job Processor tool in Vault software, and it will highlight the tool's features and capabilities that are often misunderstood or forgotten. The Job Processor tool is perceived to be expensive and have limited usefulness, but it does more than create DWF files. This demonstration will start with configuring the Job Processor tool for use, including setting up special privileges granted to the job user, using the task scheduler to schedule the job processing, and understanding how most effectively to manage licensing. Once the tool is configured to run, we will look at different job typesoff-the-shelf jobs to create visualization files and jobs to update Inventor software revision tables. Finally, we will see what added functionality we can unlock by using apps from Autodesk Exchange Apps.
Key Learnings
- Learn how to set up the Job Server and a job user with special permissions
- Understand ways to control where and when the Job Server runs
- Learn how to set up different triggers and publishing jobs for DWF files, PDF files, and DXF files
- Learn how to use the Job Server to create automatic revision tables