Key Learnings
- Recognize performance impacting issues in implementing the AutoCAD Map 3D Enterprise software applications
- Understand tools and techniques that can improve your AutoCAD Map 3D software application performance
- Learn from real-world implementation experience of Autodesk Consulting, Autodesk partners, and your peers in the class
- Learn and share tips and tricks about improving performance and developing effective practices
- SSSerguei SokolovSerguei Sokolov has over 25 years of experience in solutions design and implementation. As the Solution Architect in Autodesk Consulting, Serguei is responsible for the technical architecture and delivery of solutions utilizing Autodesk technologies (BIM, geo-geospatial), integration with enterprise systems, advising on the industry implementation best practices and Autodesk products direction to ensure sustainability and repeatability of the solution. In the past several years Serguei has been a regular Autodesk University speaker and has spoken at various industry conferences.