AU Class
AU Class
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3D Data Gathering for AutoCAD Utility Design Using ReCap and InfraWorks—Seeing Underground

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This class will cover data-gathering methods related to utility design. Typical data gathering may include topo survey, photos, and site visits. The future of making things includes using all the available methods to gather previously unreachable data and importing it into design. This is done using current methods, i.e., survey, incorporating 3D models from photogrammetry, LiDAR (light detection and ranging), GPR (ground penetrating radar), and electromagnetic locating. By using some or all of these technologies and harnessing them through Autodesk, Inc., software, we can present a view both above and below the ground, enabling designers to see things in a whole new way. This class will introduce basic capture concepts for LiDAR, GPR, photogrammetry, and electromagnetic locating to create a 3D model using ReCap software. We can import this ReCap software model into InfraWorks software to be incorporated into design. We will briefly go over using Autodesk 360 cloud-computing platform and Memento software as well.

Wichtige Erkenntnisse

  • Discover the different capture methods for 3D data gathering
  • Discover more about using Photogrammetry and LiDAR, differences and pros and cons
  • Learn more about using electromagnetic locating and GPR, differences and pros and cons
  • Discover the deliverables—how can it help you?


  • Forrest Roy
    Forrest Roy has been working in the utility industry for over 15 years. He is currently the lead locator for Anchorage Municipal Light and Power. In this role he is responsible for managing the excavation damage-prevention program for the utility and communicating the safety message between other utilities. In 2014, using ReCap software, he helped develop the 3D modeling program that has enabled Anchorage Municipal Light and Power to begin modeling their underground vaults and infrastructure. Along with Everett Clary of AMLP, they submitted and won the Excellence in Infrastructure award during Autodesk University 2014. Forrest is currently involved in using new technologies and techniques to create 3D models and point clouds in ReCap software, Memento software, and InfraWorks software.