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Autodesk's Cloud and Mobile API/Technologies—Meet the Experts

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Ask your programming questions to our panel of hardcore cloud and mobile experts from our software development teams. If you are writing Solutions that are based on these technologies, or you are just about to start and want to know more, this is the perfect forum to get to know the people who create the APIs and services you work with—and your fellow programmers who use those APIs. Come and ask questions, add your expertise to the discussion, or just listen and learn. Additional Autodesk, Inc., software/services include AutoCAD I/O API, Autodesk PLM 360 software, BIM 360 Glue software, Configurator 360 software, Mockup 360 software, Simulation 360 software, Autodesk 360 cloud-computing platform, BIM 360 Field software, CAM 360 software, Fusion 360 software, Process Analysis 360 software, and ReCap 360 software.

Wichtige Erkenntnisse

  • Get to know your fellow cloud and mobile programmers and members of the Cloud and Mobile Engineering Team
  • Learn how to integrate Autodesk cloud and mobile solutions into your own product (desktop or C&M)
  • Discover new opportunities for your business and develop your own cloud and mobile solutions
  • Answer those cloud and mobile programming questions that have been bugging you for so long


  • Avatar für Cyrille Fauvel
    Cyrille Fauvel
    Cyrille Fauvel got his first computer when he was 12 years old, and as he had no money left to buy software, he started writing code in assembly code. A few years later, he wrote code in Basic, Pascal, C, C++, and so on, and he’s still doing that. He’s been with Autodesk, Inc., since 1993, joining the company to work on AutoCAD software originally. He’s passionate about technology and computers. At Autodesk he’s worked in various roles, from the design side to manufacturing and finally to games and films. He is now an evangelist for the Forge API (application programming interface) and web services, and he has a desire to deliver the most effective creative solutions to partners using these APIs and web services.
  • Avatar für Kean Walmsley
    Kean Walmsley
    Kean Walmsley is the director of Systems Design/Architecture Engineering, focused on the research area of human-centric building design. He has previously worked on projects exploring the integration of IoT data with BIM (Digital Twins) using Autodesk Platform Services, as well as Generative Design in the AEC space. He has worked in various roles – and in various countries – during his career at Autodesk, including building and managing teams of software developers in Europe, the Americas, and Asia/Pacific. Kean engages regularly with Autodesk’s developer and computational design communities, providing technical content and insights into technology evolution.
  • Stephen Preston
    Stephen has worked with Forge since before it was called Forge. Formerly manager of the global Forge developer support and evangelist team, he is now responsible for Forge business strategy - which includes pricing and launching new Forge APIs. Stephen recently relocated from the SF Bay Area to Portland, Oregon; where he spends way too much time installing smart home components in his new house.
  • Avatar für Mikako Harada
    Mikako Harada
    Mikako Harada works as a Senior Manager for the Developer Technical Services team at Autodesk. She provides API support for AEC products. Prior to joining Autodesk, she worked as a researcher for the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. While at ETH, she worked with projects involving the development of web-based collaborative environment with the Swiss building industry and web-based visualization projects for business data archive systems, aiming to enlarge our knowledge by a means of visualizing a large amount of information. She was also a researcher at Engineering Design Research Center in Carnegie Mellon University, Dr. Scott Fahlman’s lab (who is known as the father of Common LISP and the person who first sent the smiley face on the Internet), and Artificial Intelligence Cognitive Systems group at General Motors Technical Center. Her interests is in the areas of interactive techniques, optimization and layout synthesis.
  • Albert Szilvasy
    Albert Szilvasy has been with Autodesk, Inc., for 17 years, and he worked in various roles within the AutoCAD development organization, including architecting Microsoft .NET and the JavaScript APIs, and preparing the AutoCAD for Mac software. Most recently he has been involved in building services to expose AutoCAD via HTTP.
  • Cameron Westland
    Cameron Westland is a Principal Software Engineer for AutoCAD. Cameron's passion for applying design to data-driven software engineering speaks to the convergence of those two previously unrelated disciplines. Conversely, Cameron's 10+ years of engineering experience allows him to bring human-centered design interactions to life. Cameron guides many aspiring developers, programmers, and designers in the communities he is active in. He joined Autodesk via the acquisition of Kera in late 2013, and is currently working to re-architect how AutoCAD 360 is developed.
  • Tom Winter
    Tom Winter has been with Autodesk, Inc., since 2013. With 13 years of experience in software development, great passion, and early adoption of mobile technologies, Tom has gained his expertise in mobile development (with emphasis in iOS). Prior to joining Autodesk he developed numerous mobile apps for a wide range of industries. Today he is the software development manager for A360 cloud-computing platform and Fusion 360 software mobile apps. Tom and his team lead the ongoing mobile development in the Cloud Platforms Group, driving best practices and uncompromising user experience.
  • Manu Venugopal
    Manu Venugopal is an Architecture, Engineering, and Construction technology expert and thought leader focusing on Building Information Modeling, data and analytics. As a Senior Product Manager at Autodesk, Manu helps the Autodesk Construction Cloud team build innovative products using cloud and mobile technologies and improve the Construction industry processes. Manu is currently working on introducing machine learning and predictive analytics to construction industry providing insights to customers to help them deliver projects successfully.