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BIM 360 Docs: Indistinguishable Evidence of the Situation

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Many building or construction projects use some form of document library. Whether it’s used in the design, build, or operate phase, it’s probably a document management tool that isn’t designed as a common data environment, but rather as a document repository. A lot of the time it sits on a private server and requires IT departments to perform miracles to assign rights and privileges. What building and construction projects require is something that’s easy to use, easy to access, and easy to maintain. This is what BIM 360 Docs software delivers—a tool that can be set up on a per-project basis that all stakeholders have access to and where the latest documents reside. Let’s investigate this rookie addition to the BIM 360 portfolio and consider how to use it with other BIM 360 tools, such as BIM 360 Field software, to enhance workflows. Let’s examine how to use markups and issues for effective collaboration, and put the right information in the hands of the people who need it. This session features BIM 360 Docs and BIM 360 Field. AIA Approved

Wichtige Erkenntnisse

  • Understand BIM 360 Docs and the Common Data Environment
  • Learn how to make decisions on where BIM 360 Docs fits into current workflows
  • Learn how to prepare for the future of BIM 360
  • Have some fun


  • Grant Dott
    A BIM 360 Technologies expert and part of Graitec's Construction Specialization team. I have been implementing BIM 360 throughout Europe over the past five years with a focus on BIM 360 Field, Glue and Document Management [Docs]. Currently, I am involved in extending the BIM 360 portfolio to our customers using Forge and the BIM 360 APIs.I have a strong background in software development and the Autodesk APIs to which give me a unique perspective when preparing project scopes or gathering customer requirements.I enjoy public speaking at Graitec events and I am a veteran of eight Autodesk Universities, three of them as a speaker. As a regular contributor to the Graitec Blog, I enjoy passing on my experiences and thought leadership to the community.