AU Class
AU Class
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Concept Design Workflow Guide for Industrial Designer with Fusion 360

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The session will present concept design development workflow for industrial designers with Fusion 360 software quick Sculpt and Solid Modeling, plus Rendering. We will also mix with Physical Sketching on Wacom Tablet. The class is about introducing new early design iteration process with Fusion 360 software for industrial designers. Traditionally, designers start sketching when they’ve received overall goal/direction for the product. This class suggests that designers mix quick 3D modeling with their traditional sketching workflow. For example, Fusion 360 software has super-flexible Sculpt Modeling, and it takes just a few minutes to generate basic forms. Designers can start their sketches over these basic product forms and find balance and details based on real scale. This session features Fusion 360 and SketchBook Pro.

Wichtige Erkenntnisse

  • Discover a quick sculpt modeling approach
  • Learn about flexibility in mixing physical and digital sketching
  • Learn how to do a quick setup for visualization
  • Learn how to cheat on a traditional process in a positive way


  • Yuji Fujimura
    Yuji Fujimura is a Fusion 360 evangelist for Autodesk, Inc., in Japan. Fujimura has product design background, and he is a good reference for 3D modeling and visualization in the industrial design field.