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How Alias AutoStudio is powering the surging Chinese automotive design market

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In this presentation, car designer Ning Ding will show best practices in automotive design through fast concept modeling, sketching, rendering, and animation workflows. Drawing on the full power available in Alias AutoStudio, Ning will share how designers and digital sculptors can work together during this process to bring a design to life. Ning will share live demo vignettes to show how designers can sketch and even directly create concept model by Alias, Speedform and Maya, visualize and render the 3D model in VRED and even create animations and cool scenes in Maya. Ning will also share insights into the current state of the automotive design market in China, where he has both practiced as a professional designer as well as his current job as a subject matter expert working for Autodesk. This session features Alias AutoStudio and Alias Concept.

Wichtige Erkenntnisse

  • Learn three different ways to create concept models: in Alias, Speedform and Maya.
  • Learn how to sketch on the 3d model to add details serve as a guide before executing the detailed modeling in Alias.
  • Learn how to use VRED to quickly visualize and render the concept model.
  • Learn how to use Maya to set up compelling scenes and animations to better communicate your designs.


  • Ning Ding
    Ding Ning has worked at the PATAC Advanced Design Studio as a concept designer, and is currently in charge of the application and development of Autodesk’s solutions for China’s automotive industry. He graduated from Tsinghua University with a master’s degree in transportation design and research.