AU Class
AU Class
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InfraWorks 360: Thinking Outside of the Box

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This class will show you how InfraWorks 360 software is used as a design tool rather than just a visualization tool. Multiple examples will demonstrate how InfraWorks 360 software is used as a unique design tool in real-life projects on all kinds of unimaginable areas, such as telecommunications, architecture, mining, oil pipe layout, geographic information systems, and port engineering—clearly thinking outside of the box! This session features InfraWorks 360 and AutoCAD Civil 3D.

Wichtige Erkenntnisse

  • Understand how InfraWorks 360 is more than a visualization tool
  • Learn that InfraWorks 360 can be used on highly complex projects
  • Understand how InfraWorks 360 is used on real-life projects
  • Understand how InfraWorks 360 interacts with other Autodesk technology


  • Edmundo Herrera
    Edmundo Herrera is a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Florida with graduate studies from MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He currently serves as a Senior Solutions Engineer at Autodesk. With two decades of experience in civil engineering projects, he specializes in software implementations, support, consulting, training, and deployment for global clients in infrastructure projects. At Autodesk, Edmundo oversees bridge, road and traffic microsimulation solutions across North America, South America, Europe, and the Middle East. He is at the forefront of innovating, implementing, and demonstrating how AI can leverage data generated by Autodesk Collections to provide automated interactions with ACC. This approach delivers extraordinary engineering insights and results that are often impractical, overly time-consuming, and frequently unattainable with traditional methods using Autodesk's AEC & PD&M Collections.
  • Avatar für Luis Carrión
    Luis Carrión
    CEO en BIM Networks Certificado BIM Infrastructure Profesor en Universidad Tecnológica del Perú Instructor code 32000 ATC Manager - ESIN