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Kicking It Off Right—Let’s Group Build a Better BIM/VDC Coordination/Kickoff Meeting

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A BIM/VDC kickoff meeting is a crucial (but often neglected) component on any multidiscipline/multifirm project. This session will give attendees a chance to build their own BIM/VDC coordination kickoff meetings. We’ll discuss and put together a one-size-fits-all type of agenda (to be used as a starting point for your organization) for a typical BIM/VDC coordination kickoff meeting. As part of this session, we’ll discuss who needs to attend, what topics need to be covered, how to track the information that is discussed, and how to best document the meeting itself. A final result of our discussion will be a group-sourced, distributable, BIM/VDC coordination document that works for any project type. This session is intended for BIM/VDC managers, BIM/VDC coordinators, BIM/VDC job captains, project managers, and anyone else typically involved in the initial project BIM/VDC kickoff meeting.

Wichtige Erkenntnisse

  • Learn how to create an agenda that works for all BIM/VDC project kickoff meetings
  • Learn how to put together a BIM/VDC coordination document that works for all project types, regardless of size or scope
  • Learn how to use industry feedback (from your BIM/VDC peers) to help streamline and improve your BIM/VDC kickoff meetings
  • Benchmark your organization’s BIM/VDC kickoff process against the processes used by others


  • Avatar für Brett Gatti
    Brett Gatti
    With over two decades using and supporting a wide range of CAD software packages and with duties/responsibilities that have included training, managing and organizing teams, Brett brings a real-life understanding of what works and what does not work with today’s CAD and BIM technologies. Actively bringing together diverse teams to work as cohesive teams to both improve discipline coordination and also to build in the long term value associated with intelligent building models is a challenge that is constantly evolving. Brett stays on the leading edge of this technology, by contributing to/participating in multiple online CAD user support groups and industry focus groups. Brett is a multi-year Speaker at Autodesk University, has presented at the Revit Technology Conference and Midwest University. He is also an AutoCAD and Revit Architecture Certified Professional, has earned CANBIM BP3 recognition and is AGC CM-BIM Certified.