AU Class
AU Class
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Rail Digital Transformation: Innovation at the Heart of Systra Strategy

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SYSTRA provides consulting services on all the lifecycle of a mass transit and rail infrastructure. Digital transformation of our industry is more and more mature and moving fast. International collaboration on IFCrail or UIC RailTopoModel is clear evidence that we are entering a very exciting period. As an engineering firm dedicated to this market, we address our client needs throughout the life of the rail assets, from transport planning to operations and maintenance. During this class, we will share with you SYSTRA’s vision of this digital transformation and how digital innovation drives our digital strategy, from digital solution for transport planning to digital asset management services. We will focus on Hyperasset, our program to develop in-house solutions to manage the rail assets during the operations and maintenance phase, from the territorial scale down to the catenary object, using all the available technology such as the Forge platform.

Wichtige Erkenntnisse

  • Better understand digital transformation in the railway industry
  • Learn about early BIM implementation to support decision making using InfraWorks
  • Learn about digital developments to support decision making for rail transport planning
  • Learn about digital development for operations using Forge
