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Success Factors of Integrated Project Delivery and the Benefits of Model-Based Collaborations

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The cooperative approach of IPA fundamentally reforms conventional project execution at many levels with the goal of successfully realizing construction projects in terms of quality, schedules, and costs. Due to the complex user requirements and simultaneously intense time pressure, the client has opted for the integrated project delivery (IPD) method for the new laboratory building in Berlin. The new laboratory and research building is expected to be completed by 2028. A critical foundation for success is the model-based collaboration of the involved disciplines from planning and implementation. For this, interdisciplinary and process-spanning collaboration was organized and established with the suitable common data environment to efficiently design the participants' processes and automate them as much as possible.

Wichtige Erkenntnisse

  • Learn how the cooperative approach of IPA has led to joint decision making in all aspects of the project.
  • Learn about the cooperative approach, including addressing requirements and implementations, and defining processes and their technical execution.
  • Learn about profound advances in data-based collaboration, process, and interdisciplinary integration.


  • Paul Curschellas
    Paul Curschellas is currently responsible for the topics of digitalisation, digital transformation with a focus on VDC/BIM and the implementation of projects in Switzerland and Germany at Burckhardt Architektur AG. All projects are model-based and implemented in collaboration with other parties. The aim of VDC/BIM is to continuously improve project work and solutions. Co-founder and Deputy Chairman and Board Committee Bauen digital Schweiz / buildingSMART Switzerland, as well as member of the Central Commission for Information Management (ZI) of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects SIA. Head of the development of the web-based platform (ETH spin-off) for the digitalisation of material and component data with business, industry and technology partners. Several years of experience in research and development at the ETH in Zurich and at the Central Office for Building Rationalisation CRB. Management and collaboration in the development of norms and standards for information and cost management.