Wichtige Erkenntnisse
- Understand how modern real-time renderers work with AR and VR devices
- Learn how to use Stingray to create useful, immersive AR applications
- Learn about how Forge can be used to power AR and VR experiences
- Understand more about Windows Mixed Reality and how to create intuitive workflows for working with your AR or MR devices
- BSBenjamin SlapcoffBenjamin Slapcoff joined the Autodesk Stingray Rendering team full time after completing his B. Comp. Sc. degree at Concordia University in 2016, but he’s been working on the team as an intern since 2014 on many different aspects of VR in the Stingray engine. Recently, he has been undertaking Hololens integration in Stingray. He has prior experience in the game industry before Autodesk, working at middleware, start-up, and more established game companies since 2009.
- Cyrille FauvelCyrille Fauvel got his first computer when he was 12 years old, and as he had no money left to buy software, he started writing code in assembly code. A few years later, he wrote code in Basic, Pascal, C, C++, and so on, and he’s still doing that. He’s been with Autodesk, Inc., since 1993, joining the company to work on AutoCAD software originally. He’s passionate about technology and computers. At Autodesk he’s worked in various roles, from the design side to manufacturing and finally to games and films. He is now an evangelist for the Forge API (application programming interface) and web services, and he has a desire to deliver the most effective creative solutions to partners using these APIs and web services.
- PKPaul Kind3D Artist and Game Developer who enjoys helping people come to grips with Stingray, Maya and Related Tools.