AU Class
AU Class
class - AU

Is Your Autodesk CFD Analysis Accurate or Could You Do Better?

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This class will include a competition to set up a model to achieve the best accuracy. It will begin with a discussion and hands-on session involving meshing—basic rules of meshing, mesh sensitivity, and mesh controls; solver settings—Advection Schemes, Nodal aspect ratio, Mach number, and Y+; convergence controls and interpretation; momentum conservation; and energy balance. Finally we will have a competition to apply what was discussed to produce an accurate simulation. Geometry and a description of the test environment will be provided, along with the results required. It is assumed that the user will have a good understanding of the software and can already set up his or her own models to a good level.

Wichtige Erkenntnisse

  • Gain deeper insight into mesh requirements
  • Learn about solver controls
  • Discover convergence
  • Learn how to achieve a higher level of results accuracy


  • Jon Wilde
    Senior Product Support Specialist at Autodesk with 8 years experience of Simulation CFD and 12 years of simulation in total.