Aprendizajes clave
- Discover building performance requirements (light, energy loads, carbon dioxide, wind, acoustic)
- Learn several formats (DXF, FBX, gbXML, IFC, IFCXML) that bring models to performance simulation software (BPS)
- Learn how to generate several BPS formats from BIM models
- Learn how to use BPS formats for simple simulations (light, wind, energy loads)
- BEBIM ExpertChilean Architect, PhD in Computer Science in Architecture by Bauhaus University Weimar (Germany). He holds two Post Doctoral Research about BIM and Building Performance Simulation (Bauhaus, 2011-2012 and Fondecyt Universidad del BioBio/UC, 2012-2014. Founder of BIM CHILE Consultancy, principal director for the first BIM implementación in the Chilean Government (Ministerio de Obras Públicas 2012-2015), high performance certification courses and several international trips. AIA (American Institute of Architects) and AOA (Asociación de Oficinas de Arquitectos) members since 2016. In 2013 won a public competition to be an Assistant Professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Escuela de Construcción Civil where he developed teaching, cutting edge research and is also Editor-in-Chief of the WOS-ISI/Scopus Journal called REVISTA DE LA CONSTRUCCION, until 2017. Actually developes his second FONDECYT research called “Linking BIM Models (Building Information Modeling) and BPS software (Building Performance Simulation) to Building Assessments Environmental Methods through innovation in BIM Platform” at UDLA. In 2015 he led the Education Task Group in BIM-Forum Chile (CDT, Corporación de Desarrollo Tecnológico). In 2015 is elected by peers as president of IBPSA (International Building Performance Simulation Association) Chilean chapter..
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