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Generative Design Technology for Fluids Systems

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Autodesk introduced structural simulation-based generative design technology this year. Autodesk is working on generative design technology for fluids-based simulation. This will be a roundtable to discuss the future of generative design based on fluids simulation. Example use cases will be generation of flow profiles for header systems, the flow path within flow control devices, or generation of different novel heat sink designs. There will be a show and tell on technology and how it works in its infancy and some workflow concepts. We will follow this with roundtable discussion activities of what generative means to you, and what you would need it to do for it to have high value. Be prepared to share your thoughts.

Aprendizajes clave

  • Understand what generative technology is
  • Discover what you need to be prepared for the generative revolution
  • Understand the impact on the development of generative fluids
  • Learn how to communicate the next-generation workflows to your peers


  • Heath Houghton
    Heath Houghton is a Professional Services Consultant for Autodesk, specializing in Generative Design, structural simulation and fluids and thermal simulation. Heath helps customers meet their design and manufacturing goals by maximizing the potential of Autodesk's generative and simulation platforms. Prior to working in consulting services, Heath served as product manager for fluids simulation products. As Product Manager, Heath guided the development efforts and roadmap decisions for flow and thermal simulation projects. Heath joined Autodesk with the acquisition of Blue Ridge Numerics CFdesign. He was in a technical role with Blue Ridge Numerics for several years and he continued in that role with Autodesk before transitioning to Product Manager, then over to consulting services. Heath has over 20 years of experience with both fluids and structural simulation tools. In his spare time, Heath enjoys archery and training his bird dogs.