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Integrating Water Elements into Architectural Renderings Using Particle Flow

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Many architectural structures incorporate a water feature as a prominent visual component of the structure. This class will explain how to implement the Particle Flow system in 3ds Max software for architectural use. We will take you through the creation of water fountains, waterfalls, and other water features that architects like to use. We will cover the creation of Particle Flow networks to simulate water flow, and we'll discuss the use of space warps to affect the motion of the particles. We will also examine the Point Cache and particle rendering.

Aprendizajes clave

  • Learn how to create Particle Flows to simulate fountains and other water features
  • Learn how to use space warps to create custom effects with particle flows
  • Learn how to add Point Cache to effectively work with large numbers of particles
  • Learn how to apply materials and render particle systems using the mental ray renderer


  • Steven Schain
    Steven is the Post Production Supervisor and Media & Entertainment Content Manager for CADLearning products at 4D Technologies, where he develops content standards and creates content for Autodesk 3ds Max, Maya, Inventor, and Fusion 360 users that is used in AI and machine learning solutions, in-application performance support, and desktop and mobile apps. Steven is also the Post-Production Supervisor for all CADLearning products from 4D Technologies. Since 1998, Steven has contributed to Autodesk's certified courseware for 9 releases of 3ds Max, was a co-developer of the Autodesk ACI Program and 3ds Max fundamental standards, and is currently an Autodesk Certified Instructor. As a premier Autodesk trainer, he has continued teaching end users, companies, and many others, including The Walt Disney Company, Guess, and the United States Army. As an 8-year veteran of Autodesk University, Steven has taught classes ranging from creating particle fountains in 3ds Max, to classes on 3D printing and entrepreneurship.