AU Class
AU Class
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Intro to Fusion 360

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This hands-on lab will introduce the Fusion 360 3D CAD design app as a design tool for designers and engineers of all skill levels. We will focus on the basic functional areas of the Fusion 360 app and lead the attendees through the modeling of a simple consumer product. We will cover T-Spline form creation, basic solid modeling and assembly, and materials and rendering.

Aprendizajes clave

  • Learn how to create and edit T-Spline forms
  • Learn how to perform basic solid modeling functions
  • Learn how to create assembly joints and how to reorder browser items to finish the assembly
  • Learn how to apply appearances or physical materials and render the model


  • Avatar para Phil Eichmiller
    Phil Eichmiller
    Product designer, now software quality engineer for Fusion testing Fusion with a customer perspective. Also a part time instructor at Portland Community College teaching Fusion for CAD students and seasoned professionals alike. I have a passion for connecting people to their inner potential, either through my teaching or helping on the Fusion forums, or just in person. Let's design and build a better future together.
  • Avatar para Mike Aubry
    Mike Aubry
    Michael Aubry is always pursuing better, faster and exciting ways to design. During the ten years he’s worked in the computer aided design field, he’s been privileged to work with 100s of customers who do everything from craftsman eyewear to giant fighting robots. He has professional experience in the bio-medical, wind energy, and computational fluid dynamics simulation industries. He loves working with anyone and everyone inspired to solve interesting problems. He is a former Product Evangelist for Autodesk Fusion 360. He has a mechanical engineering degree from the University of Portland.