AU Class
AU Class
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Inventor Simulation: A Comparison of Cloud, FEA, and Frame Analysis

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In this class, I run through the pros and cons and workflows for creating simulations in all 3 of the Inventor Professional software simulation tools. I highlight which tool is best to use and when, while also explaining the differences and comparing the results.

Aprendizajes clave

  • Create Inventor simulations (FEA)
  • Create Inventor optimizations (cloud simulation)
  • Create Inventor frame analysis
  • Interpret simulation results


  • Avatar para Clint Brown
    Clint Brown
    Clint is responsible for the Cadline Technical team. Cadline are a UK based Autodesk Platinum Reseller. He is an Inventor Certified Professional, with a background in Automotive Engineering, Plastics, Machining and Rotating Machinery.Clint Has worked as a Mechanical Design Engineer for the last 15 years. He's an Inventor Certified Professional, having used most Traditional CAD & Analysis tools including: AutoCAD (since R13), SolidWorks , SolidEdge & Ansys. He had designed many products, machines and systems including; Plastic Fuel Tanks (Nissan, Ford); Several Mobile Vending units (Coca-Cola, SAB Miller); including the Design and Stress Analysis of Castings (Daikin, McQuay). In addition to these, he is a Patent Holder