AU Class
AU Class
class - AU Building Web Applications with Inventor on Forge Platform

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We'll demonstrate some example apps in Forge Platform using Inventor.IO software and we’ll use this to create an interactive discussion on what kind of things you'd like to build on Forge Platform using Inventor.IO. This session features Forge, Forge, and Inventor Professional.

Aprendizajes clave

  • Discover and understand
  • Learn how fits into Forge Platform
  • Get takeaways on how you can use these building blocks to automate your workflows
  • Learn about building apps with


  • Avatar para Andy Akenson
    Andy Akenson
    Andy is a Distinguished Software Architect at Autodesk. His main focus is Industrialized constructing bringing our manufacturing and construction portfolio together to help change the industry. He has worked for Autodesk for 15 years working on Inventor, Forge and developing new, innovative solutions to help our customers.