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- Learn how to use JavaScript to send a JSON packet to a Jitterbit Harmony API
- Learn how to use Jitterbit Harmony to receive and transform data
- Learn how to insert data into an on-premise SQL database
- Learn how to pass arguments to a console application (C# Executable) and perform an action
- OBOrrin BourneOrrin has been administering Fusion Lifecycle for the past 4 years at Greenpoint Technologies, an aviation company based in Kirkland, WA. Acting as a "product owner" Orrin identifies high value process improvement initiatives and models them in Fusion Lifecycle. Drawing from his experience of 20+ years using Autodesk manufacturing design tools and his back ground as a mechanical engineer he creates innovative solutions to fulfill challenging user needs. His expertise is modeling engineering based workflows, external systems integrations and data warehousing and reporting.
- RDRavi DharmalingamSeasoned software professional with experience in Integration consulting and Cloud based operations. Over 20 years of experience in all stages of enterprise software development and deployment in a wide range of industries.He is an experienced integration consultant having worked on helping customers successfully integrate enterprise applications across various industries. He has implemented legacy Enterprise Service Bus based integration solutions as well as modern cloud based systems and is proficient with using integration standards such as REST, SOAP and ODATA. He is focused on architecting and implementing patterns based solutions to integrate enterprise applications to help drive adoption and enhance overall value for customers.
OREN BOURNE: Welcome, everyone. My name is Oren Bourne. I'm the CAD and PLM administrator at Greenpoint Technologies. Up here with me today is Ravi Dharmalingam, a solution architect for Autodesk.
Just a quick show of hands, how many people here are currently using PLM-- or Fusion Lifecycle, excuse me? OK. Jitterbit Harmony? OK? Anyone here comfortable with the C-Sharp and SQL Server? OK, cool.
So this class is going to be very dense. It's a very technically-oriented class. It's going to be a rapid fire, kind of coding type class. Are you guys OK with that? Does that sound just right up your alley?
If you aren't terribly comfortable with that, let me make you feel more comfortable by telling you a story. So you with me? It's kind of a parable.
So once upon a time-- I think all good stories start with once upon a time. Once upon a time, there were a bunch of people walking through the wilderness. And they encountered a river, a raging, raging torrent, just screaming down through the riverbank.
They had to cross the river. One person finally was brave enough to take a step. He stepped forward, kerplunk, right into the river. He got washed downstream. They got him out. This isn't a bad story. Nobody died or anything like that.
So then finally one person said, hmm, look at the river, and said, I know what to do. And they walked across the water all the way to the other side. Everyone was amazed. My goodness! What did you do? How did you walk across the water?
The person simply said, I didn't walk on the water, I simply stepped on the rocks. I know where they are. So in this class, I'm going to show you where the rocks are for this type of integration.
So as the title says, isn't great when we integrate? We're talking about real-time systems integration in-- [CLEARS THROAT] excuse me. It's a real-time systems integration with Fusion Lifecycle with an on-premise SQL Server database and console application using Jitterbit harmony. So at the end of this class, you should be able to use JavaScript to send a JSON packet to Jitterbit Harmony API, Use Jitterbit Studio to receive and transform data, insert data into an on-premise SQL Server database, and pass arguments to a C-Sharp application.
So before we get going, I am obliged to-- whoops, that's the wrong one-- I'm obliged to give you a disclaimer. Greenpoint Technologies is not associated with Autodesk. We're actually part of Zodiac corporation.
And as such, Greenpoint Technologies, are Zodiac Aerospace company, is providing this information for educational purposes only. The presentation of the following information is to facilitate the free exchange of ideas amongst industry peers. This class and its content should not be viewed as an endorsement of any product or company.
With that said, let me tell you what Greenpoint Technologies does do. We do this. We take Boeing wide-body jets and make them incredibly beautiful. We turn them essentially into flying palaces.
This is an example of the work that we do. As you can see, it's pretty nice. Who here would not want to fly in this jet? I'm pretty sure everybody would, pretty nice stuff.
Currently, the 787s are the Boeing VIP aircraft of choice. And this is another example of the work that we do. This is a design concept done by our design department. This one actually won a few awards. Our client base is very wealthy individuals, heads of state, royalty, sometimes all three in one.
But we also do commercial work. We recently did an airplane for a company called Crystal AirCruises. They are a luxury cruise line company that wanted to take their experience into the sky. So we outfitted a 777 for them. As you can see, a pretty nice airplane-- a wet bar, seating area. Here's the lavs, the dining experience.
Here's another view from forward looking aft. it's a first-class aircraft. It seats up to 88 people. All seats are first class. Here's what you can experience if you fly in this jet.
So why am I showing this to you? Well, it's cool stuff. I like showing off what our company does and what I'm involved in.
But at the same time, I want to show you that the products that people make, and that we make in particular, are very, very intensive. They have many, many hours involved, of activity involved. A typical design like this will have anywhere from 100,000 engineering hours alone just to design it.
So we typically have anywhere from two to four projects going on a year simultaneously. [CLEARS THROAT] Excuse me. So that represents a lot of data. We use Fusion Lifecycle to manage the engineering process.
But we're vertically integrated. So we have many, many systems to manage the manufacturing process, the certification process. We have an ERP system. We use SharePoint. And the list goes on.
Those systems worked well enough on their own independently. But they are more effective when we can integrate those systems. So we have data from 100,000 engineering hours of work that we try to integrate with other systems.
So, how do we do it? We have in architecture that we follow where we have Fusion Lifecycle in the cloud. Whoops! Actually, I got out of sync of it. Got out of sync just a little bit.
So what are some of the ways in which you might want to integrate your systems? There are many different ways that you can follow to integrate the systems. The way that we're looking at today is a real-time systems integration. So when something happens inside of Fusion Lifecycle on an item-by-item basis, you're going to send that data to an on-premise system, a SQL Server or a console application, and do something.
So what might that-- whoops-- what might that be? You might want to send data on-premise to manipulate at a PDF file. You might want to send email.
Maybe you don't like the email server that Fusion Lifecycle has. You can transmit the data internally and send it from your internal SMTP server. You might want to interact with a web service. You might have a web service that you want to post data to.
Or you might want to put it into a SQL database. Once you get that data into a database, you can report against it. If you do it right, you can get a quasi real-time reporting system that when something happens in Fusion, that data is immediately available. And you can report on it immediately. You could also use it as source data. Maybe that data drives other internal applications.
So there's lots of reasons and ways that-- or I should say, there's lots of reasons why you want to move that data internally in real time. I'm sure if you think about it, from the perspective of your company, is you probably have a lot of ideas that you probably already have. That's probably why you're in this class.
So what's the architecture? How do we do that? How do we accomplished this really cool integration?
Well, this is the architecture we follow. I think this will probably work for you. We've been really successful with it. So you have to use Fusion Lifecycle in the cloud sends data to the Jitterbit Harmony API. Who here is familiar with Jitterbit Harmony? OK.
Jitterbit Harmony is a-- without going into a lot of detail, it's essentially a website that sits there. And it listens for traffic. It gets traffic from Fusion Lifecycle. Fusion Lifecycle passes data to the Jitterbit Harmony API. And the Jitterbit Harmony API says, excuse me, I have data.
Then Jitterbit Studio, which is behind your firewall, is constantly pinging the Jitterbit Harmony API. Do you have traffic? Do you have traffic? Do you have traffic?
And finally, it says, yeah, I have traffic. The Jitterbit Studio then says, give me the package of data you just received. I'm going to process that and then do something with it.
This is in the cloud. This is in the cloud. This is on-premise. Make sense?
This part right here is Jitterbit Studio. This your dev environment. This is how you create the code or the recipe for this to follow.
You pull data down. You build the recipe. You post the data up.
When Fusion Lifecycle hits this with some information, the recipe kicks in. And then it passes the information off to Jitterbit. And things happen. That's what we're talking about is this entire process that you see right here. With this process you can, set up a real-time systems integration.
So how do we do that? Four steps. If you do these four things that I'm going to explain-- I just felt like I was selling you steak knives or something. If you do these four things, that you will be able to do an integration like this.
So you get a triggering event. You need something to trigger the script inside of Fusion Lifecycle-- on edit script, on create, workflow transition, or a push-button script. You could even hook it up to a precondition script. I don't recommend it. But there might be a reason you might want to do that. The script will aggregate the Fusion Lifecycle data and send it to your Jitterbit API.
You'll receive the data in the Jitterbit API. And you'll transform it. It might be a simple or complex transformation. It depends upon what your needs are. And then you'll use the data to run external systems. Four things, if you do these four things, you will have a real-time systems integration.
So how do we do that? So I have a lot to cover. And I have, ooh, not a lot of time to cover it in. So, it's going to be dense. And I'm just going to go for it. I'm not going to overwhelm you. But we're going to step right through this very deliberately.
So first thing, can you see that OK? I wasn't sure if it would show up. Can you guys see that well enough?
So in Jitterbit Studio, you're going to create a project. You're going to fill out a form. You're going to choose the environment you want it to go to. If you only have one environment, that's OK. If you have two environments, you just got to pick the right one.
You fill out some information. You choose a new operation. You choose a transformation type. And then you're going to have a blank project.
Give it a name, a simple name, something that's easy to identify. I once made the mistake of giving it a fancy name. I just really confused myself downstream.
So there's your first rock. Don't give it a fancy name. Give it something really simple and easy to use.
Then you're going to go, you're going to save that. And you're going to post it. So at this point right here in the process, we are on a laptop or a computer, something inside of your firewall. You've created this project. And then you push this project out to the Jitterbit Harmony API. It's just a blank project. We're going to fill us in a little bit.
Just to be clear, at the end of the lecture part, I'll give you a demonstration. I'll show you all the steps involved in this.
So we create a project. You push it out to the API. Now we go to the web. We log in we go to API Management, Custom API. And we're going to create a custom API.
There's just a button in the upper right-hand corner. You just say New. I want to make a new API. So this is a URL. You're going to build a URL and establish some functions behind it, really straightforward.
You're going get a form, a very simple form. You choose the environment. That's the environment that you just posted your project to.
Give it a name. This name is whatever you want it to be. This name right here will become part of your URL. So you can give it something meaningful if it helps you. Or you could just give it a bunch of random characters. It doesn't really matter.
When you set up this part right here, your operations, you want to choose the post type. Post is simple enough. That's all that you need.
You could get fancy if you wanted to get into the gets, or whatever else you want to get into, you can do that. But if you stick the post, it will most definitely work. So there's your second rock. Make sure that you do it this way.
The project, that's the name of the project that we just created a moment ago, that same with the operation, that simple name that I was emphasizing that you choose that we just chose a moment ago. So you just walk down the hierarchy until you find that operation that you want to be the start the kernel, the central starting point when this project kicks off.
And no response. This is going to be really simple set up. We don't need to respond. So we don't need to tell Fusion Lifecycle that there's anything that it has to react to. It's not going to get a response. Choose "no response."
I usually clear out all of these. You can have them on if you want to. I clear all the checkboxes out.
But turn on debugging. You're going to need debugging. That will allow you to see the traffic that comes into the Jitterbit Harmony API when the traffic arrives. And give it the time enough you want, and then choose Update.
Once you've done that, it'll present to you a URL. This is the URL that you will pass data to from Fusion Lifecycle. That's it. Now we finally get to Fusion Lifecycle.
So in Fusion Lifecycle, it's kind of an approach that you want to take. And it's going to be scripting. You want to aggregate all of your data that's important to you.
You might have fields in your item details. You might want to grab the milestones array. You might want to look at who knows what, workflow actions, workflow history.
Through your scripting, you need to aggregate all the things that are important to you for this particular item. Remember, this type of integration we're talking about is on an item-by-item basis. So after you use script, that's after you consider the data that you want to collect, you map that over to your script.
So here, I am pulling this field, the item dot item number. That has the real name behind this. This is a user-friendly name. So don't let that confuse you. This name is what the user sees.
Behind that is the actual dedicated name to this. That's the name that you want to be pulling the values from. So item dot item number, I assign it to a variable item number. So this is the JavaScript right here.
You could use this directly in line with other areas that we're going to talk about in a little bit. I don't recommend it. It's not good programming practice. It makes it more difficult for you to manage and extend this code. Assign it to a variable. Do the same thing here, same thing here, same thing here.
Now, as you're doing your scripting, you're going to need to consider special cases. Special cases might be an array. If you're accessing data that is actually an array, what are you going to do with it? Maybe you want to process it, or maybe you don't. But you should make a decision.
Are you accessing data that's a linking pick list? If you're accessing data and linking pick-- so you guys familiar with a linking pick list and what that is? So if you're accessing data that's a linking pick list, you'll have to walk through here, item dot item number dot, dot, and so forth until you get to that data.
So we've talked about arrays, linking pick list-- oh, null values. This data right here-- whoa-- this data right here is currently filled in, but maybe it won't be. If you allow blanks inside of your forms, that's effectively a null value.
If you assign that, say this was blank, item number was blank, for whatever reason. Maybe that's part of your process. And it's OK. If I assign that to this variable, this variable will have a null value. There'll be nothing inside of it. That's OK if that's OK with your process.
However, I recommend that you transform that data, wrap it in an if statement that says, if null, then this equals minus one. The reason being that when you pass that blank data, and you receive it on the other end, and you try to debug, you're going to look at this blank data and go, OK, did the data not get sent over? Or was it actually blank inside of Fusion Lifecycle? If you transform it and send something, negative one, or whatever your null transformation is-- excuse me-- your null transformation is, you know positively, OK, I got the data. It just happens to be blank in Fusion Lifecycle. Does that makes sense? I really recommend that you do that.
Another special case in this particular example, this is from the all users pick list right here. The all users pick list has the name of every single person that you have assigned a license in Fusion Lifecycle. When I assign the value of an array-- so this is an array type. If I assign the value of an array to a variable, it takes all the contents of that array and just turns it into a big string
If you're OK with that, then fine, you're done. But if you're not OK with that, you're going to need to do something special. And I'll give you an example of that when we get to the demo portion.
So arrays are special. Sometimes they're fine. Sometimes you're going to have to iterate through an array and massage the data until you get it the way you want it to be.
So once you've done your coding inside of Fusion Lifecycle, you're then ready to call your Jitterbit Harmony API. I recommend-- let me read this up here. Build the request and then send it. OK, great Bullets
I recommend-- this is another rock for you-- I recommend that you set this up as a function call. Don't put it in line in your script. That's not good coding practice. And it'll be difficult for you to troubleshoot and to extend as you start using the script over and over again. Put it into a library script, and then reference that library script into your action script or whatever it is that you're using. That's the better way to do it.
So you establish the arguments that you're going to receive. Then in this method, I'm going to choose a variable and assign it the Jitterbit Harmony API. That's the API that we just made a moment ago.
Just assign it to this as a variable. Don't write it in line inside of this guy right here. It just makes it more difficult. And it's tough to maintain. You might even want to consider putting this variable into its own separate library that's a library of all of the variables, the global variables that use for your tenant. But that's up to you.
In this case right here, I have in an if statement. This is purely optional. You don't have to do this. I do this because this if statement allows me to control the behavior of this right here when I'm debugging it.
It's just a switch right here. That's just a variable. I assign it either true or false. And I wrap it in an if statement. That allows me to turn this script on and off when I'm testing and debugging. Because when I'm testing the script, I might be testing this stuff over here, all of these variables here, into a print line.
I don't want to be jamming my API with a bunch of data, data, jamming, jamming, jamming while I'm testing the script. So I just set a little switch right here, set it to true or false. And that activates or deactivates this guy right here. Of course, you want to make sure you set it the right way when you go to production. That's purely optional.
Then right here-- I'm getting ready to get to the core of this. I create a variable that's going to handle my request. You can assign any name you want.
There's nothing special about that variable name there at all. That's just what we use. I don't know why we use that variable. But that's what we use at Greenpoint.
Then this is the standard JavaScript constructor, XML, HTTP request. If you're using JavaScript, this constructor is already there available for you. You simply call that, and you're going to create your XML, HTTP request object.
Then we're going to fill in the different properties, so the open clause. Remember when we are creating the API, we chose the post option. It has to align here. This has to be post. This has to align with the way you configured your API.
Here's the URL. That just this guy right up here. The API URL, just write it into here.
Then we have a true clause. True tells this package-- or I should say, true tells JavaScript that we are sending this asynchronously, meaning that we're not going to get a response back. We're not going to wait for a response. So you remember when we set up that API, we chose the no response type? This true says, yes, I am not going to expect a response.
So this part right-- oh, sorry, the next part, the set request header, you just fill it out that way. That's all there is to say about that. So these three parts here, the creation of the object, the dot open-- these four parts, no, these three parts, excuse me-- the dot open and the dot set request header, you just do it that way. You just follow that pattern every single time. And it'll work out.
Now the next part, the dot send, that's where you put in your special sauce, your secret recipe for how you want your data constructed. So with the dot send clause, I have a method called JSON dot stringify. That's another built-in JavaScript method that takes whatever is in the body of this and turns it into a JSON structured data. That's it.
Then you fill it out. I'm going to give it a title, give a value. I'm going to give it a name. I should say, give it a value, give it a name, give it a value, and so on and so forth. Now here I am at an array type again. And then I assign approvers here.
If this is an array type, even if you explicitly declare it as an array type variable in your scripting, and you pass it as an array, when you put it in the stringify, it will be turned into a big chunk of text. That's what stringify means. It's going to string all of these values into text.
Even if these are numbers, even if these are integers, these are Booleans, or whatever it is, when it hits JSON dot stringify, it is text. That's it. There's no other data type that will be sent. And then as the script runs, it sends it. Does this point make sense? Is it clear? OK, excellent.
So at that point we're done with Fusion. And now we go to back to Jitterbit Harmony. So remember, we're in the cloud now. We're on a website.
We're going to go to Menu, API Analytics, the Debug Logs. Remember when we constructed that API, we activated the debug logs? The debug logs allow us to actually see that traffic that gets passed in. That is the JSON body that will be passed in.
It's really short here in my example. When you guys do this-- excuse me-- when you do this, it may be huge. That's OK.
We have some JSON packages that we send there are a really big. And that's totally fine. The system can handle it. So if you want to send a lot of data, It is OK to do that.
But I want to copy that. I want to go to the debug logs, and I'm going to highlight that, and I'm going to copy it. And I'm going to save it to a text-- oops. I keep doing that. I'm not used to this clicker thing.
I'm going to send it-- excuse me, I'm going to save it as a text file. So in the text file, you just give it a name. And if you choose on the filter down below all file types, you can explicitly type in dot J-S-O-N extension onto the end of it. You want to save that in a place that is accessible because you'll be referencing this file in the next step.
Are you guys with me so far? How's the pace? It sounds OK? Everything's OK? You guys are getting your nerd on? You feel-- OK.
So now we go back to Jitterbit Studio. So now you're back on your laptop, essentially, or your development environment. And you're inside your firewall operating Jitterbit Studio. You're going to go back to your project.
So now in your project, you have to start telling this what to do. You're going to define the recipe here. So the first thing you need to do is define your source.
This project is empty. It has no direction. It has no idea of what to do. You're going to tell it, OK, you're going to find a source. The source is actually going to be the API request that you're responding to.
It's really simple. You simply right mouse click. You say "use API request," and you're done. That now means that that JSON body that you saw just a moment ago that we copied and saved will be passed to this guy. And it will use that from that point forward, really straight forward.
There's another rock right there. This is a nice-- thank Robbie for this one. This is a really cool tool that he pointed out to me that makes it really, really simple.
So now that I have stuff, I have data, I need to do something with that data. So now we're going to talk about the transformation. So let me slow down-- let me see how much time do we have. Ooh, OK, we're doing OK on time. So now I need to talk about the transformation.
So Jitterbit-- anyone here familiar with data warehousing at all? OK, familiar, anyone else? So I will assume that most people here are not familiar with data warehousing. In data warehousing, essentially, you're taking data from one place and putting it into another place.
But you're doing stuff to it in the process. You take the data, which is usually really messy and dirty, and you have to transform it. You have to cast it from an integer to a string, or a string to an integer. You need to process and massage the data so that it conforms to your data warehouse. That's a data transformation. We need to do the same thing here.
Now for a Fusion Lifecycle, it's not as complicated as working with really messy data because you guys own the whole process end to end. So you can make sure the data coming in is good. But we still need to do some transforms. At a minimum, we'll probably need to take all of those integers that got transformed into strings and cast them back as integers.
You remember that step when we were setting the body? Let me go back because it's important. Here we go.
This stage right here, where we are actually turning everything into strings-- I am not used to this thing-- turning it all into strings, if that were an integer, it's now a string, I need to transform it back to an integer. That's what the transformation is for, is being able to set things back the way you want them to be. So the best way to explain this is to simply show you.
So we go to the transformation, I need to define it. So the first thing I'm going to do is double-click on the transformation. I want to set the source. Excuse me, I'm going to create a new transformation. This is the wizard now. When you double-click on that transformation, and you start to define it, you just get a wizard.
So I create a new transformation, I'm just plowing through the wizard. And I set it up this way. Source is JSON, obviously. That's what we just told it a moment ago.
So you're mirroring that information here. And your target is going to be text. Without any further explanation, that's just what you do. You send it as a text type target. It just works.
And then there's a little radio button at the bottom of the wizard. And you'll see this during the demo, a little radio button that you just say, yeah, I'm going to go ahead and define this as a JSON structure. I don't know why, but you just do that. And it works. You click on Next. Then you need to train Jitterbit in how to understand the data it's about to receive.
So Jitterbit, it doesn't know anything. It doesn't know anything at all other than what you tell it. So all it knows right now that I have this JSON thing, this request that I'm going to receive. You told me it's going to be JSON.
But what is it? Is it one thing of text? Is it 10? Is it 50? Is it 100? What does that data structure look like. You need to teach Jitterbit what that data structure will look like.
So that's what we do next. We're going to find JSON file that we saved. We have a wizard. It's the same wizard. And then it suddenly takes-- it turns into a bunch of numbers. And you just follow those steps.
We're going to navigate out to the JSON file. Remember where we copied the body of the JSON file, and we save that to an accessible location? We go find that file.
And we tell Jitterbit, this file contains the structure of the data you're going to receive. And then you just click Generate because that's what you do. And then it generates what's called an XSD file. That XSD file is essentially that text file converted into something that Jitterbit can understand from that point forward.
It's like an import, if you will. For you guys with CAD backgrounds, it's like importing data from another system and turning it into your native data. That's the analogy here. Again, we're still in the wizard. We're just clicking through this wizard.
I am now going to define the right-hand side of the transformation. So in the transformation, data comes in on the left. That's the JSON body. And I just define the data on the left.
Now, I'm going to define the data on the right. I'm going from some data structure somewhere, and I'm going to another data structure somewhere else. So it's the right-hand side of the transformation.
I'm going to go ahead and create new from a dropdown. Oh yes, before we go into this, let me explain something. Data structures, you have a choice to make here. Either you're going to structure your data as a simple type data structure or a complex type data structure.
Now, this is a Jitterbit construct. This is a Jitterbit idea. But, of course, we have to work within the concept of Jitterbit. A simple type data structure essentially is flat data. It is just text, text, text, text, text, text, text, simple.
Complex data structure says, I have text. I'm going to get an array. I'm going to have some more text. I want to have another array. That's a complex data structure.
So, the takeaway from here is simple means it's flat data. Structured or complex data means that you have an array that you're passing. There's another rock for you. That's the one that you need to be aware of.
How am I going to structure this data? I going to show you both. I'm going to show you the simple data structure, then I'll show you the complex data structure.
So for a simple data structure, you simply choose "Create New File," give it a name. And this simple text document is selected for you by default. That makes it really easy. You don't have to select anything. Then you just choose "Create Manually." You just got to click "Create Manually." I keep pushing the laser button when I mean to advance forward.
Then you're going to get a little editor, and you just say New. These are the field names. Remember the field names, the variables that we saw in Fusion Lifecycle? Basically you're just going to put-- I should say the names that we saw in the JSON body that we constructed, you basically put the names here, item number, whatever, data, whatever it is, it's all flat data.
We're not going to do anything more with it. We're not going to-- it's just flat data. And you're done. You'll get a flat data structure.
But let's say that we have a complex data structure, which we will in the demo. We're going to have complex data structure. We have an array that passing. We want to respect the fact that it is an array. We're going to do a complex target.
So in that same wizard, we would have done this instead. We would choose "Create New," "Complex Text Document," not that big of a deal. Click "Create Manually." We get a very similar looking editor, but it is different with one key difference right here. This occurrence right here, this is the magic. I'll speak about that in just a moment.
In a similar process, we're going to choose "New." We're going to give it the name of the data structure. This is not the data values that we're going to receive. This is the name of a structure. We're just giving a name to a structure.
We're going to establish the segment root. There's some nuance here which segment roots and the segment apparent. Just choose underscore root for now. As you guys get more comfortable with this process, you can get fancy. But just choose underscore root, and it will work.
Here I set to only once. That means that data gets transform only one single time. In Jitterbit world, that means it's flat data. It's simple data. Then I go and I detail out-- oh, sorry-- and then it gives me another-- sorry-- I click on "Fields," and then it gives me the editor for, OK, what is your flat data structure-- flat data, flat data, flat data, flat data.
Then I move on to the complex data. So I give it a name. Again, so click on "New," give it a name approvers. Again, that's just the name of the data structure itself. I'm just giving this thing I'm about to define a name.
Again, I keep doing that. Choose "Root." Just do it that way because it'll work out well for you. You get fancy later on.
And then here's the secret sauce, Zero or More. That says that I'm going to transform this data zero or more times. That means there's more meaning there is an array there. I'm going to cycle through the elements of the array as I transform the data. That's the magic.
Then I give it a name. In this case, I'm just going to give a one variable. You could put more variables here if you want.
Don't go there right now. We don't want to have multiple data structures. We don't want to have multi-dimensional arrays that we deal with. We're just going to work on a single dimensional array.
And then I choose OK. And I get a data structure that looks like this. Notice that it's a little bit different here, flat data structure only once. Zero or More is my array that I'm going to pass. That's a complex data structure. If you follow this process when you receive arrays, this absolutely will work for you.
How are we doing on time? All right, we're doing OK. We might have to step up the pace just a little bit. We'll see how it goes.
This is where I've been defining-- that whole wizard that we just went through, this is where I define it. This is the left-- I keep doing that. This is the left-hand side. That JSON file that we imported, Jitterbit, when it created the XSD file, it said, oh, I see exactly your data structure. Here's the structure of the data that's arriving-- boom, done for you.
So the whole complex thing has been figured out on its own. You don't have to deal with that. Over here is where I said, OK, I have to manually tell Jitterbit exactly what my structure is going to be like.
So then I map the data. I say item number-- oh-- item number goes to item numbers. Title goes to title. This is why I encourage you to work with really simple names. You don't want to get, item number when it's ready to go one, two, three, four, just really simple. Just keep it really direct. You just want it to be obvious as to what it is you need to do next.
That's another rock. I made the mistake of getting fancy, trying to be all cool coding guy. And it was dumb. Don't do that. Make it really simple.
So I mapped the drag and drop. That's all that you do. You drag and drop.
Then I need to define my transformation. Remember when I saying that-- excuse me, well, I needed to define some more. So I click on these little blue guys right here, these little blue folders right here. They won't have the f of x at the time that you click on them. They'll just be blank. And I give it a variable name.
This represents on the right-hand side-- well, this will be presented to you by default. This will not be there when you first define it. This represents the value of the JSON body that you receive. Item number string, this represents that value. That holds that data in it. I want to assign that to a variable because it's that variable that I will reference when I start to call my stored procedures or the console application. Assign it a variable.
At this point if you want, this is where you cast this back. This is a string right now. If I wanted this to be an int, I could cast it back to an int or do a conversion to make it an int. That would implicitly make this an int from that point forward.
Also, so I didn't say this earlier, you would want to say that when you're defining this flat data structure or this other one here, the complex structure, you would say whether it's a string, or an int, or a whatnot. Everything has to be in alignment. Does that make sense?
Now, this is the flat data structure. The complex data structures a little bit different. Now, this is getting into an area of how do you want your hamburger cooked? I can't tell you what's right for you, but I can definitely tell you what works. There's another rock that you can step on.
This is an array. But because this is a complex data structure, it's going to cycle over the array. At the very first instance this JSON dollar sign approvers, dollar sign item, is the first element of that array. If I did nothing at all, and I just hit a dollar sign approvers equals this right here, it would cycle through it. And at the very end, this would only hold the value of the very last element of that array.
I needed a way to take that array and turn it back into an array inside of Jitterbit land. So this is a little trick. So when you receive the array, it's going to be over here. It actually will be indexed as number one.
But as you probably know or may know, array start at index zero. I don't know why. That's just how they do it.
So I define dollar sign approvers. At the very first go, dollar sign approvers has no data in it. So the length of no data is zero. And I set this variable equal to zero.
Then I set this approvers array element 0 equals the first element. Then it cycles through. And automatically, internally on its own, it cycles through the next element. So array element 2, approvers now has a one value in it, so its length is one, count equals one, approvers 1 equals the second element, and so on, and so on, and so on.
So I just turn this into an array. This is now an array. Does that makes sense? That's the rock. This is a really good rock to step on.
Finally, we get to the end. We're going to go ahead and do some stuff, some really cool stuff. So I go back to my project, and I delete this target. Let me check the time.
So I delete this target because you don't need it. I'm going to select "Transform," right mouse click, and put a script at the end. It's the script that's actually going to house the code that's going to run the stored procedure in the SQL-- the stored procedure in the console application.
We'll break right there because I know I'm going to run something on a database. I need to establish a database connection. Who here has made a data connection before? OK.
So, a data connection is a way that you tell the system how to connect to the database. I need to establish that upfront. Well, you don't have to, but it's a lot easier if you establish it up front.
So I move away from the project. I go to the left-hand side. I go to targets. Seems weird that we just got rid of a target, but it works out.
Right mouse click, you choose "Target," you're going to choose "Database Type." And you're going to get a little editor here. Here, you just build your connection and information.
Right now, this is configured for a SQL Server database. If you click on the Select button, you'll see the drivers for many different other types of databases. You can choose whatever you need. You just go ahead and fill this out, pretty straightforward stuff.
If you're using SQL Server, here's another rock for you, this is the SA log in, the service account log in. So if you log into SQL Server using this method, you'll need the provision an SA account in order for you to be able to connect to it. It won't use integrated security.
And correct me if I'm wrong on this one, Robbie, when you go to the options, you're able to stipulate a connection string if you prefer do that. And I believe at that time, you can use integrated security. Double check me on that.
What this is leading up to, by the way, is that the Jitterbit agent, so when you get into this a little bit more and you learn more about how the technologies work, this whole process is going to be running under a machine account, your local machine account on the machine that actually is hosting this service. The local machine account needs to be able to access the various areas of your network for this to work. It is probably the case that your local machine account will not because administrators lock that account down. So you may need to change the account that all of these processes run under to a service account that has the ability to traverse your network. Very nerdy stuff for you there, but when you review the video afterwards, just listen to it a few times, and you'll get it.
So I've established my data connection. I'm going to go ahead and choose-- go back to the script, double click on it, choose "Create a New Script." I am going to navigate to the Functions tab. I want to find CallStoredProcedure. When I click on that, it'll present to me the data connection that I just created. Just click OK, boom, it sticks this first part of code in for you.
CallStoredProcedure, this tag right here, and then on your own, you're going to go ahead and put in the name of the stored procedure you want to run. Leave off the dot DBL. Leave off the schema if using SQL Server.
I had trouble with that. There's another rock for you. I had trouble with that. Drop off the schema name. And it'll find that stored procedure.
Then this clause right here has to be inside. You have to have that clause in there, dollar sign input. This is nothing that you define. This is just Jitterbit language, a Jitterbit built-in variable.
The dollar sign input tells jitter that everything that follows are the parameters that you're going to pass to your stored procedure. It just says, hey, I'm done defining the name. Everything that follows is the data I want you to work on. Here's the data.
These are the variable names that we just established a moment ago during the transformation. Dollar sign approvers-- which is, again, this is just Jitterbit way of doing things-- dollar sign approvers, if you pass it this way, it's just the variable. Again, we'll smash it down into a big string of data.
If you want, you can set up some looping through your stored procedure and cycle through this array and then call the stored procedure for each element in the array. It's up to you how you want to do that. If you pass this is just a big line of text, you're going to need to handle that in your stored procedure. Does that makes sense? Yeah? OK.
So let's go ahead and run a console application. I won't read all this out to you. You can read the slide deck. You can download it and go through it.
But you have to define these two elements right here, $Arguments and $Command. All of the arguments are, $Arguments-- that's a special name. You have to use these names, by the way. These are just the arguments you're going to pass the console application.
You just lay those out, wrap them in quotes. You need to encapsulate these in quotes because if you want to respect any white spaces that are inside of your variables. If you have white spaces inside the variables, and you pass that to the console application, the console application won't interpret the white space as the beginning of a new set of data. So you need to encapsulate this in quotes using escaped characters so that you pass the arguments and respect the white spaces.
If that doesn't make a lot of sense, that's OK. Just follow the syntax right here. And it will work out for you.
The next is the pathway to your executables. So after you build your C-Sharp assembly, you build a link, your C-Sharp assembly, you need to store that in a place that your service account that this is running under-- remember I talked about the local machine account or a service account? The service account has access to and put it in the pathway to that no white spaces.
In case you haven't picked up on it by now, you don't want white spaces and stuff. That whole pathway should not have any white spaces, or I guarantee you it will not work. No white spaces at all in that pathway, and you're ready to roll.
At that point, you're done. You save it. You put it up to the cloud. You post it back up to your project in the cloud. Oh no, I forgot. I got ahead of myself, one more step.
I need to run-- I need to then take those two variables that I just declared, and I need to tell it to actually execute a stored procedure. So to do that, I go to the Functions tab. I click on "RunPlugIn," and it'll insert a chunk of code for me.
Then I go to the Plugins tab, and I click on this. And it'll insert another chunk of code for me. If when you get to this location here, there is nothing present, you simply click on the Recycle symbol, and then suddenly the plug-in will connect. Double click on it, and it'll insert that into your code.
So this part right here, RunPlugIn inserts the RunPlugIn line for you. This part right here inserts that in for you right there. You could type this all out manually if you wanted to, but you don't need to be click on these buttons.
At this point, you save, and then post this to your Jitterbit Harmony API and you're done. You're ready to roll. Now this assumes, of course, that your stored procedures have been worked out. This assumes that your console application has been worked out. If they have been, you're done.
So at this point, you hook it up. You hook up your script to a workflow transition, on edit script, push button script, whatever you want to trigger your event.
Demo. You guys want to see this live? I hope this works. So I have to beforehand apologize because I'm using my internal company servers. And I have to be very careful, security policies, et cetera. Let's see how far we get.
And I got logged out already, which I-- so when things work. That's a good start. Oh good, this is still live. So let's go to Jitterbit.
So here I am in Jitterbit. Why is it not seeing this? Oh, I didn't stop my presentation. Thank you. OK, there we go. See that OK?
So, this is going to be a little bit cooking showish in that a lot of things have already been pre-baked for you. I'll show you something, then I'll switch it out, and show you what I've already done. So let's roll.
So we're going to create new project. I can click on "New" right here. I'd give it a name. I choose where I want it to be stored.
All this stuff has been preconfigured. You just got to select it. My organization should already be figured out. And the environment that I wanted to deploy it to, that should already be in place for you when Jitterbit Harmony gets set up.
Once I do that, I just click on "Create." I won't do that because I already have a project. And whoops, I'll open one that I've already previously created.
And I'm going to create a new operation, transformation type, continue, give it a name. And it's going to bark at me here because I use this name already. Don't worry about that. That won't happen because it won't happen.
I would save it. And then I would deploy it to the cloud. This first part is done. And I go to Jitterbit Harmony.
So this next step I need-- this next step could potentially expose all of my companies URLs that we use to control many of our processes. I can't do that especially since it's being recorded. So I'm going to talk about something here and show you a screenshot. Let's see how well it goes.
So I would choose "Menu." I'm going to go to API Management. I would click on "Custom API," and I would see this.
I then go to the upper right-hand corner and choose "New Customer Service--" oh darn it. I'm going to refresh this. Maybe it'll do it. No. Excuse me just a minute here.
Oh, it's getting crazy. OK, there we are. Let's plug it back in. Oh, good grief.
Then you will be presented with this. Then you walk down the hierarchy. Give it an environment name, give it a name.
This name right here will be auto-filled in for you. But you can change it if you want to, right here. This will become the name-- this name will become part of your URL.
Set up your operation. You're going to choose "Post." You're going to choose the project, choose the operation, no response, clear this guy out, turn on debugging to whenever. And then you would just click "Add."
At that point you would-- OK-- at that point, you'd be presented with this guy-- ooh, you just saw my URLs. That was great. At that point, you'd be presented with this guy right here. And he would copy that.
Well, let me see. Let me make it easier for these guys. Sorry. I'm really sorry that I have to do it this way. I already have a little bit of a followup I'm going to have to do this. Let me go to [INAUDIBLE].
So then I go to Fusion Lifecycle. Finally, we're at Fusion lifecycle. So here's my item. I would collect all the data from this item.
Here's my script. Here's my debug variable right here, so debug true. I'm debugging this. I don't want to send a bunch of data to that guy.
So here are my variables. I just write them in here. Here's the simple case where I don't really care about processing the-- I don't care about processing that array. Go ahead and test it.
This is the DMS ID of this guy that I'm testing. For those of you who don't know, the DMS ID is this little guy right here, just says explicitly DMS ID. I copy that and paste it into here, and just click "Test." And it'll run the script against the data inside of that item.
Here is the results. It collected the data, collected the data. But I see my name here comma my name, another name comma my name, comma another name comma another name.
If that's OK, great. Let's say my company standard is to not have that. It needs to be first name space last name. So in that case, I need to massage the data. Let me comment this out.
What I'm going to-- ooh, that's a little tough to see. There we go. I'm going to iterate through that array.
And I'm going to call a function that I previously defined. That function has my business logic built into it. And it's going to straighten this thing back out and save it the way that I wanted to be.
So now when I test this script again, it straightened it out. That is a perfect example of why you might want to iterate through those arrays and run a function against them.
So at this point, it's looking pretty good. I'm going to test it. By testing this, actually you're going to-- ooh, I did not want to go into debug. Oh great. All right, this'll go fast.
Oh, crikey. Sorry about that. That was a little picking error. We'll get back there. There we go.
So I'm going to test it now. No, I want to check debug. What? I keep thinking debugging, and I keep clicking that. And it's really annoying me.
And that makes it really hard to click this stuff right. And it's going to be saved. I can't see-- there we go, terminate. Thank you.
Sorry, debug false. I'm no longer debugging. I'm actually going to send this data to test it, put in my DMS ID, transmit the data, perfect. So I go back to Harmony, refresh this.
Here in the debug logs, remember the post type? There it is. It's a post.
Going to go into-- there's the debug logs. And there it is. There's my JSON body. That just happened. I just sent that data to the Jitterbit Harmony API.
I'm going to copy that guy, go into Notepad, see if this has a JSON file. I've already done this earlier, so I won't actually overwrite that. But you would just save that as a JSON somewhere.
Then I go back to Jitterbit Studio. So back here, my new operation. Sorry, I deleted that. I got a little ahead of myself.
I would define my source, right mouse click, Custom use API, that's done. I go to my transformation. So select it, double click it. Here's my wizard. Create a new transformation. The incoming type is JSON. Outgoing type is text.
Choose my new schema. Oh sorry, click on the radio button, my bad. Pick up that JSON file that I just created. There it is. Generate the XSD, finalizing the import. It was successful.
Go ahead and create my target schema. I'll go directly-- well let me show you both. Let's create a new one.
Oh yeah, here's another rock for you, no spaces in these names. Create simple, New, data one string, New, data two string, and so on. Finish that guy. And I have my structure here.
Let's say I'm not satisfied with that structure. and I want to redo it. Here's a nugget for you that I didn't tell you during the lecture part. Simply right mouse click on this and choose "Edit Target Structure." It takes you back into the wizard and allows you to redefine a new target structure.
So I'll go ahead and choose "Create New," make this demo complex. Make a complex type, "Create Manually." I'm going to define my simple structure first, choose my fields, and I just put in the data and so on.
Then I define my complex structure. Set this to "Zero or More," choose my fields, and give it my name. Set the type, say OK. At that point when I finish, I have a complex data structure. It's just that simple.
And then map it. Item number, I'll just put it to here, this guy to this guy. This one is always tricky. I always have a hard time getting it. I don't know why it is, but it's just-- oh, OK, worked well that time.
Oh, I don't like that pause. Ooh, I don't like that pause. It's pausing. It's crashing on me. Oh! Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
So here's the value right here. Give it a variable. For flat data, I'm done.
By the way, there's a test section right here. If you want, if you have a really complex thing that you're doing up here, you can put in your test data, hit "Test" down here, and it'll run the whole transformation. It'll tell you if it's successful or not. And I'll show you the end output.
These guys right here, I do as I said earlier, just type in Count. Just give it a dollar sign. What did I call this? Just call it structured data, "struc data." Oops, dollar sign equals length struc data, semi-colon, so dollar sign struc data. Array element CNT equals that semi-colon.
I have an error in here somewhere. Where did I get it wrong? Thank you. There we go. (LAUGHING) That was fun.
OK, script is valid. So that will turn that back into an array. So let me close this.
No, actually let me keep you here for right now. I might get an error here. We'll see what happens.
So I get rid of the target. Go ahead and delete it, remove that. Right mouse click on the transformation, insert after this script. Go here to my target and define my data connection, new target, database type.
Here's all my drivers. So you can pick from any one of these drivers. And then you just simply fill it out. I won't go through the steps here just because it's very-- I already have one filled out earlier. I'll use that one.
Go to my script. I'm going to create a new script. I'm going to go to-- use this short cut right here. I'm sorry, it's stored procedure. What is the syntax again? Come on now. The call.
So you can use this to search for it, CallStoredProcedure. There's my database. I choose the database. I would then fill-- I won't to do it because I'm running out of time. I would fill in the name here, my stored procedure, dollar sign input, and then I would put in all of my variables. Actually no, we won't do that.
Then let me go ahead and show you this one that I've already created earlier. So I then do my arguments. And I just type it in. And I just type all this stuff in. Then I do my command. And I just simply type it-- well. I probably would paste that in, paste that in.
Then for my RunPlugIn, let me go down here and type in Run, so RunPlugIn, run my command. Sometimes this pops up, OK. And it just inserts that in for you. And then you're done.
You would save and then post that. That's it. You're finished.
What you'll get is this. You're actually going to see the here. Oh, I lost my connection. Sorry, I was going to remote on my server. I probably better not. I've already exposed too much intellectual property.
So what I'm going to do is simply tell you when I run that, you would see that data show up in a database. And you would also see that data written to a text file, which was what my console application does. It just writes it to a text file. So we have four minutes. Is that enough time to talk about what you were going to talk about?
RAVI DHARMALINGAM: Should I go and talk about the PDF stuff?
OREN BOURNE: Yeah. So this was a really simple example. Ravi is going to talk about some of the incredibly cool stuff you can do with these technologies on the SQL and stored procedure side.
OREN BOURNE: You can switch it to yours, right? It's A, right?
RAVI DHARMALINGAM: Yeah. So I think Oren was mentioning about using a [INAUDIBLE] program. Essentially what we typically going to do is use a .NET program that uses a PDF library to create PDFs out of it.
So like the text file that Oren generated can be fed into a .NET program that can basically generate a PDF, something like this. So it's not properly formatted, but essentially you can create a full catalog with images and stuff like that embedded in the PDF.
And all this going be called from within Jitterbit. So you can use the run command plug-in to call the .NET program, pass a document. And it'll create the PDF for you.
And you can and you can also take it from there. If you want to upload that as an attachment, there is a plugin for that as well that you can use to upload it back into PLM, email it to somebody [INAUDIBLE] and things like that, which can all be done inside of Jitterbit. Any other questions on Jitterbit? Or we can just--
OREN BOURNE: We have two minutes. How did it go? Yes.
AUDIENCE: So I have a question. So if we just go the Jitterbit program [INAUDIBLE]. Where can we find the resources for that?
RAVI DHARMALINGAM: So we have some material that we have done, something internal stuff. So you're talking about-- do you have any specific areas that' you're interested in? I can find somebody who will send it to you.
RAVI DHARMALINGAM: OK, so I can get you some information on that. So I can get you a contact.
OREN BOURNE: And also I don't know if you [INAUDIBLE] or not, the Jitterbit guys actually offer [INAUDIBLE] training. You have to pay for it. But it's good training. The nice part about the training-- I don't know how the do it right now, but when we took training from them, they actually record all the training as well so that you can refer back to it later.
So, was it nerdy enough for you guys? How was the pace? A little bit too dense? Is it OK? All right.
So this class is being recorded-- or it is recorded. And you'll be able to review this stuff after AU. And I'll post the updated version of the slide deck shortly. And there is a document that I wrote that says everything that I just said up here as well.
So if you follow the instructions that you saw right here, the only problems that you're going to run into are permission issues on your network and scripting problems inside of Fusion Lifecycle. All the rest of the stuff will absolutely work. Thank you.
How was it?
AUDIENCE: Great, actually
AUDIENCE: Wish our company could afford Jitterbit.
OREN BOURNE: Oh, yeah.
OREN BOURNE: There's a software called MuleSoft that people have been looking into.
OREN BOURNE: MuleSoft. So they've been looking into that. You could set up-- like I said, you can set up your own server. You could actually build all this stuff.
AUDIENCE: Jitterbit is one of those things that is just super overkill. You'd want to do one or two specific tasks. A whole suit of Jitterbit--