AU Class
AU Class
class - AU

Model, Detail, and Fabricate Faster in Revit with eVolveMEP

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Improving the modeling experience and reliability of LOD 400 components with each Revit update Autodesk and eVolveMEP press forward with Fabrication Parts in Revit. These components natively offer better results for sub-contractors looking to improve detailing process within their BIM/VDC departments as they are designed specifically for MEP contractors. In this class you will learn how eVolveMEP is working to add more value and support Autodesk’s roadmap to offer improved coordination process for MEP subs through the Revit platform. eVolveMEP has taken a scary proposition for many contractors and turned it into a definable roadmap of success by addressing real concerns through additional development. Learn about these tools in detail and how they address the concerns brought up by contractors. See what Autodesk is doing and what eVolveMEP is doing to bring the trades into a single platform for faster detailing and improved coordination.

Aprendizajes clave

  • Discuss Autodesk Roadmap for Fabrication Parts
  • Discuss eVolveMEP alignment with this roadmap
  • Present application that eVolveMEP has created to add value to this change


  • David Ronson
    David Ronson is technical advisor for ASTI specializing in the Fabrication Products. He has been on both sides of the fab fence, as former solution specialist supporting the fabrication products, as well as a database administrator utilizing the program in a production manner. His industry and program knowledge are always on full display when it comes to troubleshooting, program issues and his attention to detail makes problem solving easy for all parties involved. David has been involved with Fabrication since the early days of MAP, and is now a premier member of ASTI’s Fabrication Technical team.