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The New Industrial Revolution: Part 2

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From water and steam power, to interchangeable parts, to the assembly line, to computer-based production, manufacturers have always adapted to the opportunities presented by technological change. Now, the industry is at the cusp of yet another new era, one marked by pervasive connectivity and communications, powerful advances in simulation and design tools, and production technologies that hold the promise of changing the paradigm of manufacturing itself.How should manufacturers think about, evaluate and take advantage of the possibilities with increasingly intelligent and connected machines, advanced automation, and open-source hardware and software?

Aprendizajes clave

  • Learn about the global, industry and technology trends that are shaping the manufacturing landscape.
  • Learn about the “new industrial revolution”: what it is, opportunities and challenges.
  • Share views on how manufacturers should think about, evaluate and take advantage of the opportunities that this industrial revolution is presenting.
