Aprendizajes clave
- understand that it takes a combination of field experience and software proficiency to be a successful VDC drafter
- clearly see the goals of a mechanical drafter training program
- appreciate the employer/labor relations and training initiatives and cooperation
- Appreciate the value of field experience and software knowledge
- SSStephan SchnellStephan started his career as an apprentice plumber in the mechanical and plumbing industry. He worked on construction projects and in fabrication shops on a wide variety of project types. In 2006, he shifted his focus to design, prefabrication and all things construction technology related. He is passionate about education and construction technology serving as the Director of Training of UA Local 467 and on several educational committees on the local and national level. He also co-founded and launched a construction software company and currently serves as an advisor on different startups.
- EPEric Posey
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