Aprendizajes clave
- Discover the extensive uses of the data captured in AutoCAD Utility Design GIS Solution
- Discover examples of the power of AutoCAD Map 3D—Electric Industry Model
- Learn from other roundtable attendees
- Learn about the level of integration of CAD in an AutoCAD Map 3D Enterprise GIS Solution
- MIMohan Inguva21 years of utility experience, knowledge, technical skills and leadership qualities to ensure safe, reliable and cost effective operation and maintenance of transmission, substation and distribution systems by providing up-to-date maps.<br/><br/>Extensive knowledge and experience in the utility business especially Transmission and distribution operations and processes.
- LBLou BallAs an implementation consultant in Autodesk Global Services, Lou Ball is responsible for the detailed implementation, configuration, and training of Autodesk Utility and Telecom Infrastructure Solutions. Lou has over 25 years of experience implementing geographic information system (GIS), design, and related utility systems in the gas, electric, water, and wastewater utility industries.
- JBJohn ButterlyJohn Butterly is a Project Specialist for Grant PUD in central Washington State. He has worked at Grant for just over 15 years, the last seven of which have been dedicated to the overhaul of the mapping system to an integrated Design and GIS system comprised of Map3D (Electric and Fiber), AIMS, AUD and Mobile Maps.
- BPBrad Vander PlasBrad is the CAD/GIS Supervisor for Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA). He is responsible for maintaining the GIS and CAD for GVEA's very large service area and producing 4 different maps annually; 2 that are taken directly from Autodesk Map 3D Enterprise. He is also responsible for drawings of multiple Substations, Communication Sites, and Facilities. In addition, Brad has led the charge to update GVEA to Topobase 2010, and just recently won the hard faught battle to upgrade to Autodesk AIMS 2013.
- AMAndy MorsellThis will be Andy's 13th consecutive year presenting at Autodesk University! Andy is a consultant in the Americas Utilities and Telecom Consulting group of Global Services at Autodesk. He has more than 15 years of management, programming, and customization experience in the Autodesk® reseller, training, and developer communities; and he previously owned and operated Spatial Integrators, Inc., a private GIS and CAD consulting firm. Prior to working in the GIS and CAD consulting fields, Andy worked in the civil, environmental, and geotechnical industry as a project engineer, and was involved in all phases of field data collection and design. He earned a bachelor's degree in geology and master's degree in geologic engineering, and is a registered civil engineer.
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