Laser scanning has gone from a niche tool for scientific research to one of the most inventive new technologies of the past 5 years. Its application on the built environment has yet to be fully formed, with use cases including as-builting existing conditions, quantifying terrain and material, documenting status and progress on a job, and improving quality on just about every aspect of the construction schedule. This presentation aims to go a step beyond the "what is laser scanning" discussion and focus on applicable-use cases on a wide variety of jobs, ranging from the high thousands to the low billions, from commercial office towers to high-end residences, and from first walking out onto a job site during earthwork to closing out a data center. This presentation means to inspire builders and architects to embrace the technological hardware out there now along with the vast suite of Autodesk, Inc., software to use point clouds and laser scans efficiently, effectively, and creatively.
Aprendizajes clave
- Discover the unique challenges and opportunities of using laser scanning on a project
- Explore workflows for using the tools in Building Design Suites to meet these challenges
- Discover how the technology can and will impact the success of a construction project
- Learn how to use Autodesk technology to successfully implement laser scanning technology
- ZCZack CreachZack Creach has spent the past 6 years with Holder Construction's Building Information Modeling (BIM) Group overseeing multiple projects both large and small. He is currently part of the Holder, Hunt, Russell, Moody Joint Venture building the Mercedes-Benz Stadium project in downtown Atlanta, Georgia.
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